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Dead Write Books has moved. As of February 1st 2012 we will be consolidated with White Dwarf Books at 3715 W. 10th Ave in Vancouver.


DEAD WRITE BOOKS is a crime and mystery specialty store. We sell new books only. We produce a quarterly catalogue of forthcoming titles. Our large inventory emphasizes local and Canadian authors and British titles not available in the U.S. We also carry audio books, true crime, and nonfiction works about the mystery field. We also stock numerous books pertinent to writing mysteries.

For mail order and ordering see the mystery catalogues.

Dead Write Books
3715 West Tenth Avenue
Vancouver, B.C. V6R 2g5 Canada
Phone: (604)-228-8223
  • Monday to Saturday 10 am - 6 pm
  • Sunday 12 noon - 5 pm
  • Temporary Holiday Hours Thu Jan 16 - Mon Feb 3:
  • Closed Mondays, Tues - Fri 12-6, Sat 10-6, Sun 12-5
An independent bookstore, member of the:
Canadian Booksellers Association

Open for Business!

We hope to remain open as long as possible during this period of heightened coronavirus counter-measures. Books are still coming in and we are open to customers who wish to browse the shelves or who seek specific books. However, we recognize that some may be reluctant to come out to the store and for those who are within a reasonable proximity we offer free delivery. Please contact us by email anytime or by phone (during store hours). Our modified store hours are as above. The Fall catalogue (Oct to Dec 2020) is now mounted on the mystery catalogue page.