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Please note that this listing is not exhaustive; we have many more titles forthcoming.
This catalogue and recent previous catalogues are available on our website.
Travis Wilder, the Runebreaker, and his Eldh friends find themselves stranded on Earth in a 19th century Colorado mining town. As they search for a way to return to Eldh, Grace Beckett - in Eldh itself - learns that her terrifying destiny is to oppose the Pale King in the coming cataclysmic battle. Even if Travis returns in time to align his calling as Runebreaker with Grace's destiny, how can two mere humans hope to defeat an evil more ancient than both worlds?
Final volume in the MODE series. Colleen must confront an evil warlord who threatens to bend her to his will. In order to do so she must travel back to the place where it all began and face her darkest fears. Otherwise the multiverse will fall to tyranny and domination.
Only the native hoopers will risk the voracious appetites of the wildlife and venture outside the island Dome on the remote ocean planet of Spatterjay. But somewhere out there is Spatterjay Hoop himself, a legendary renegade. Monitor Keech will not rest until he brings Spatterjay to justice for hideous crimes committed centuries ago during the Prador Wars.
The immortal Meghann O'Neill is pregnant with the child of the vampire Simon Baldevar. Simon has always believed a vampire's offspring will possess all their strengths and none of their weaknesses and he will stop at nothing to possess his 'child of the night'.
In the future there isn't enough room in the world for all the art, so anything past a certain age must be catalogued, archived in the records, and destroyed. A pickup artist is the government agent whose responsiblity is to gather those creative works whose time has come and gone.
Sequel to THE PRECIPICE. Visionary industrialist Dan Randolph is dead, but his protege, pilot Pancho Barnes, now sits on the board of his conglomerate. Randolph's rival Martin Humphries still wants to control Astro and drive independent asteroid minors like Lars Fuchs out of business. Humphries wants revenge against Pancho - and, most of all, he wants his old flame Amanda, who has become Lars Fuchs's wife.
A new collection of 25 short stories.
Sequel to DRAGONFIRE. Catryn, Seer of Taun has suddenly appeared with news Dahl prayed he would never have to hear: 'The evil has returned'. Catryn must ally her formidable power with Dahl's if Taun is to be saved. Young adult.
The first in a series of DARKOVER omnibus volumes includes HERITAGE OF HASTUR and SHARRA'S EXILE.
To save all that she holds dear, Phedre will travel from the sun-drenched villas of La Serenissima to the wilds of old Hellas, and will discover a conspiracy dreadful enough to make the earth tremble.
Private Investigator Garrett has agreed to play bodyguard for a kid who is being threatened by creatures that defy description. But before Garrett can makes heads or tails of the story, the kid is abducted, and the chase begins.
The inhabitants of Isse Tower are amazed to find a mute, starving foundling outside their gates, since in their world to be caught outside after dark means certain death from the creatures of legend. The girl has no recollection of her name or past, but soon realizes her only hope of happiness lies in distant Caermaelor, where a wise woman might be able to restore her memories. Recommended.
Imrhein braves a world of faery folk and other creatures to elicit the help of the healer, Maeve One-Eye. Soon after, she finds that she is the real target of the monstrous attacks that have befallen her king and his armies - and she has no idea why.
Special forces officer Mike Turcotte struggles to win a conflict of global scale. For years an alien influence has existed on Earth. Now its presence has been revealed, and only one weapon can stop it - a weapon connected to the legend of King Arthur: Excalibur.
The Great Working - the effort to do the unthinkable and reunite a galaxy long sundered by the Gap Between - remains incomplete, left unfinished in the aftermath of the dissolution of Arekhon's Mage-Circle.
Mankind, now barely distinguishable from machine intelligences, is rarely embodied outside virtual environments. It is time to use the very building blocks of time and space, to engineer the universe itself. Time to enter a new quantum realm of marvels and terrors.
He was once called Lancelot, King Arthur's greatest knight. Now he is a vampire. And at the Dawn of the New Millenium, Lord Richard still stalks, still fights ... still kills. A desperate plea for help calls him to the rescue of a woman he had loved and lost.
Something very strange has been unearthed in a prehistoric burial mound. Renquist discovers that the being in the mound is Merlin - and he definitely differs from his reputation. To complicate matters, a barbaric clan of vampires kidnaps the sleeping Merlin, and then all hell breaks loose.
Captain Nicholas Seafort survived alien wars, rebellions, and chaos on Earth, but now he may finally lose his life - to vengeance.
On the planet Hafardine, civilization must rediscover progress or collapse. Adrian, guided by disembodied electronic mentors from space, has brought gunpowder and steam power to the Kingdom of the Isles to break the stranglehold of the Empire. But he will have to avoid being killed by the suspicious King he serves, by the barbarians he must recruit, and even by his insanely vengeful brother.
First adult novel from the characters and world of Jim Gurney's DINOTOPIA. On the eve of a rare typhoon, a band of marauding pirates are shipwrecked on Dinotopia and capture a family of gentle Struthiomimuses. Young Will Denison and a tiny band of rescuers set out on a pursuit that takes them into the tyrannosaur-infested Rainy Basin.
Series conclusion: the hour of reckoning is finally at hand. All else was a mere training for a grim and terrible destiny that Lorand, Rion, Tamrissa, Vallant, Jovvi and Naran cannot avoid.
Original anthology of 15 fantasy stories featuring knights. Includes work from Norton, Huff, Reichert, Nini Kiriki Hoffman, Patten, West and Yolen.
Aglirta is known as the Kingless Land. Once prosperous and peaceful, it has fallen into lawlessenss, studded with feuding baronies. But Algirta is kingless no more, for the Sleeping King of legend has been reawakened by the efforts of the valiant Band of Four.
The new novel featuring Meredith Gentry, a Faerie princess in the modern world as we know it - almost.
When a vampire asks Sookie Stackhouse to use her telepathic skills to find another, missing vampire, she agrees under one condition: the bloodsuckers must promise to let the humans go unharmed.
Includes the humorous fantasies MY HERO and WHO'S AFRAID OF BEOWULF?.
King Magus, whose power alone can keep the forces of good and evil in balance, has died and his successor needs to be found. The responsibility for finding him is given to the warrior Soldier. The successor, however, is a young boy, and there are many who would prefere him - and Soldier - to meet a more bloody fate.
The young boy and his dog, trapped aboard the Flying Dutchman, set off on a journey of their own. They arrive in the unlikely Chapelvale village, a Victorian town under siege. If Ben and his dog can help solve the clues and riddles hidden beneath floorboards and deep inside walls, maybe they can help save Chapelvale. Recommended.
American vampire Simon Kirby-Jones has settled in the quaint English village of Snupperton Mumsley. A new drug has relieved him of the strains of bloodsucking and sun damage. He is under no constraints, therefore, when the strangulation of a mean-spirited postmistress (who had written a play detailing the sordid lives of the villagers) results in a wealth of suspects - and a missing script.
In the east the last Torunnan army stands at bay; in the west, King Abelyn strives to maintain control of an unruly and ravaged kingdom. And in Old Abrusio, only a handful of shocked survivors remain, but they are not alone: something has come with them from the uttermost west. Recommended.
Edwardian England. Marina is the cherished daughter of the wealthy Saverson family, practitioners of Elemental Magic. But all is not well in this elegant, aristocratic household. Evil portents have warned her father that Marina will be killed before her 18th birthday - and by the hand of her own aunt. And no one is sure if the family magic is powerful enough to overturn the prophecy.
Seven stories, and the novella 'Paradises Lost'.
Canadian author. When Jos's parents are killed in an attack on their trading ship, the boy is kidnapped by his attackers and then escapes - only to fall into the alien hands of humanity's greatest enemies. As he grows into a young man, Jos is brain-washed into becoming a spy against the human race.
Canadian author. For a millenia they seduced us with their visions of hope, and a mythology that became our religion. Now the Benefactors are about to be unmasked for what they really are.
The two Aidan Tremayne vampire romances FOREVER AND THE NIGHT and FOR ALL ETERNITY in a single volume.
The world of BEAST MASTER and LORD OF THUNDER is revisited. Tani is daughter of a heroic Beast Master who died to save a planet from the same Xik invaders who destroyed Hosteen Storm's homeworld Earth.
The business of the Monks of History is to store time and pump it into the cities. But now there's a new problem. The construction of Discworld's first accurate clock starts a race against time for Lu Tze and his apprentice Lobsang Ludd.
Our choice was simple: we could send our forces to fight and die against a ravening horde, or remain as we were: virtually weaponless and third in line for servicing. Amazingly, thanks to raw human valour and alien tech transfer, Terrans fought the Posleen to a standstill. With the Posleen invasion only months away, only these shell-shocked survivors can save the Earth from utter devastation. If the veterans have time to lick their wounds. Because the Posleen don't read schedules.
Sequel to A HYMN BEFORE BATTLE and GUST FRONT. After five years of battling invaders, human civilization prepares a strike to drive the alines from the Earth. But the Clan-Lord of the Sten has learned from the defeats humans have dealt him, and has his own battle plan. When he squares off against Major Michael O'Neal, the only winner will be Satan himself.
The year's best, with stories by Arnason, Bear, Bisson, Dozois, Nagata and Walter Jon Williams and commentary by Clute, Andy Duncan, Goonan, Hopkinson, Knight, McAuley, MacLeod and Wolfe.
[Local author]. Third in the classic series of stories set in Callahan's Crosstime Saloon.
Hercules descends into Hades to do battle with Death itself and finds himself pitted against the greatest monsters of classical literature.
A new twist on the classic story of Jane Eyre. Jenna Starborn was created out of frozen embryonic tissue, a child unloved and unwanted. Yet she has grown up with a singularly sharp mind - and a heart that warms up to those she sees as less fortunate than herself. Now she is on a planet called Fieldstar and a property called Thorrastone, whose enigmatic lord will test the strength of that tender and compassionate heart.
Jim, a professional soldier past his prime, is stationed aboard a corporate BioShip to guard a commercial venture critical to humanity's survival. Although he's now just another 'tin soldier', Jim's never stopped caring about those who scorn him and the ideals to which he still clings.
World Fanstasy Award winner. Galveston had been baptized twice. Once by water in the fall of 1900. Again by magic during Mardi Gras, 2004. Creatures were born of survivors' joy and sufferers' pain: scorpions the size of dogs, the Crying Clown, the Widow who ate her victims. And the Island of Galveston would forever be divided - between the real city and a city locked in a sort of constant Carnival, an endless Mardi Gras.
Hari Michaelson (first met in HEROES DIE) is a popular actor on earth, but on Overworld he's an assassin responsible for the death of real monarchs and the overthrow of entire governments - all for the entertainment of the multitude of fans observing his every move back on earth.
When an asteroid crashed into Earth in the 21st century, civilization was nearly obliterated. But a wasted world is coming alive again, and holds promise for young orphan Disme Latimer. Now Disme is destined to find a truth that will bring her face-to-face with unimaginable evil.
Derec Avery, Ariel Burgess, and their allies try to unmask the mastermind responsible for the assassination, terrorist attacks, and attempts on their lives. The trail of interstellar conspiracy and murder leads back to a confrontation on the planet Aurora.
Sequel to INTO THE DARKNESS and DARKNESS DESCENDING. The scholars of Kuusamo are no closer to understanding the bloodless magic that may win the war for them, but the time for research grows short. An uneasy alliance has been formed with Lagaos and Unkerlant to defeat the Algarvian threat.
Fourth in the series begun with INTO THE DARKNESS. The war for control of the continent of Derlavai continues as the mages of Kuusamo, aided by their former rivals from Lagoas, work desperately to create a newer form of magic that will change the course of the war.
The second three volumes of the Sector General series in complete and corrected editions: AMBULANCE SHIP, SECTOR GENERAL, and STAR HEALER.
Millions of years ago, alien beings seeded Earth with their genetic strands to create a new outpost of intelligent life. Now, their descendants have returned to Earth's skies, determined to bring their burgeoning colony back into the fold. Their designate ambassador is Jaya Nihilani, an outcast rebel in fractured India, a country that has already weathered its fair share of imperialistic policies. And it is Jaya who must determine whether this is the start of a bold new future for Earth, or merely another type of subjugation.
Virtual realities offer new pathways to immortality - for a dangerous price. This volume concludes the epic quest through a sequence of virtual worlds for a cure for comatose children. An uneasy alliance is made by the group with one of their surviving enemies against the serial killer Johnny Wulgaru.
Bridget Lederle is coaxed by a stranger to leave her home on Lake Superior and is transported to the dazzling but dangerous world of Isavalta. As she discovers that she has power here, but lacks the knowledge of how to release it, Bridget must somehow avoid the 'help' of the Dowager Empress.
A celebration, in stories and memoirs, of Anderson's distinguished career in science fiction and fantasy
The classic fantasy humour novels available in a 2-for-1 omnibus.
Ayla and Jondalar complete their epic journey across Europe, join Jondalar's people, the Zelandonii, and face new and perilous challenges.
Kane and Grant are fighting against an ancient entity called DEVIL that is attempting to impose a dark, deadly destiny on Earth.
Include two classic Darkover novels set during the lawless Ages of Chaos, when the ruling families of the Seven Domains of Darkover ruthlessly inbred their psychic offspring to gain powerful and fearsome talents: STORMQUEEN! and HAWKMISTRESS!.
Overwhelmed by grief at the death of his family, Devlin grabs the chance to be the Chosen One of the kingdom of Jorsk. This defender of the realm risks his life on a daily basis, but to his chagrin, Devlin keeps surviving his battles. Are the Gods tormenting him further, or does he have a greater destiny than he ever imagined?
Imperial Auditor Miles Vorkosigan is sent to troubleshoot a mess on Graf Station in distant Quaddiespace. A rich Komarran merchant fleet has been impounded after a bloody incident on the station docks involving a security officer from the convoy's Barrayaran escort.
The Klavier Station has been around for longer than anyone can remember. Daniel Freer, a trader with a cargo of nano-robots, does not understand at first why he has been manoeuvered into stopping for repairs at Klavier. His cargo is destined for a recently colonized planet whose only export promises to revolutionize date processing. That export has a remarkable, ancient connection with Klavier. And if it's reawakened, the universe will become a very different place. Recommended.
A film version directed by Spielberg and starring Cruise is due for summer release: Anderton is responsible for the ultimate crime-fighting weapon: precogs catch criminals before they commit their crimes. Unfortunately they have now identified Anderton as the next criminal.
Gloria McArdle plays Vixen the Slayer in a straight-to-syndication TV show where even the fans say the villain is the better actress. A straightforward misunderstanding convinces the Wizards of Erchanen that Gloria is the only who can save them: the Warmother has broken free of her ancient chains.
When Shadow is finally released from prison, he accepts a job with the grifter Mr. Wednesday and slowly learns he has become involved in a unseen struggle for the soul of the American people. Recommended.
Eight centuries have passed since the time of Connavar. The Wyrd of Wishing Tree Wood knows that evil will soon be unleashed on an unsuspecting land and hope will be pinned on three men. The first two are the giant Rigante fighter Jaim Grymauch and the despised youth Kaelin Ring. One of them will become the outlaw leader Ravenheart, the other will forge a legend and light the fires of rebellion. The third man is a Varlish nobleman, son of Rigante's greatest enemy, but of the bloodline of Connavar.
Sequel to JUMPING OFF THE PLANET. 13-year-old Chigger and his two brothers can't stay at Geosynchronous Station forever, nor can they return to Earth. The only option is to find a planet somewhere where they can start over. The boys become a target of an interplanetary manhunt when news filters out that they are smuggling an incredibly powerful new form of synthetic intelligence.
A woman and her lover are being stalked by Charon, the mysterious Ferryman from Greek mythology.
Canadian author. In a galaxy where humanity and other species were seeded among the stars by a mysterious, vanished alien super race, there are now many inhabited worlds. On one of them the Lyhhrt, small telepathic beings who live inside robot shells, are in a cultural crisis. Their warring factions won't hesitate to use humans as pawns to win their internal battles.
Concludes the trilogy begun in RHAPSODY and PROPHECY. Rhapsody and Achmed seek out the offspring of the F'dor, hoping to use them to hunt it down, while Grunthor prepares the Boglands for war.
Collecting all of Heinlein's best fantasy short stories and novellas into a single volume.
Humorous stories, including two complete novels, from the author of the RETIEF series.
New stories set in the world of the Earthsea novels, along with the novella 'The Finder', set a century before A WIZARD OF EARTHSEA, and an account of the history, people, languages, literature and magic of Earthsea.
Multiple universes, romance, shared destinies, magic dragons and doom. Lauren Dane discovers a doorway to another reality in Cat Creek, North Carolina, and she crosses over, driven by a strange compulsion. And Molly McColl is brought there against her will, kidnapped from her trailer. Recommended.
Led by Hawk Hunter, the freedom fighters have brought revolution to the Emperor's door. But those who rule the galactic empire under militaristic oppression will do anything to maintain power and to protect the billion-year old secret behind it.
Omnibus contains 3 classic alien novels from Malzberg: SCOP, IN THE ENCLOSURE and ON A PLANET ALIEN.
Halley (of TIME FUTURE) finds herself thrown back in time to 21st century Australia, where her only hope of returning home is to await first contact with the aliens who have discovered time travel. Meanwhile, back in her 'home time', a universe of warring alien species finds itself at a flashpoint, fighting over control of the time travel technology.
A young woman's murder in London is broadcast over the Internet. A policeman sidelined to a backwater department seizes on the chance to contribute to this high-profile case, but soon finds himself enmeshed in intrigue. What is the link between the crime and London's new surveillance system. Who is the self-styled 'Avenger' and why does he communicate only by email?
2026: a strange fungus-like organism is growing in the Pacific Ocean, threatening Earth's entire food chain. Christened 'the slick', this bizarre lifeform contains alien DNA that may have come from the planet Mars. Dr. Mariella Anders is recruited by NASA to join an urgent mission to search for life beneath the Martian polar icecap - and perhaps discover the secret of the slick. Recommended.
A thousand years before the Winter War, two sworn enemies each set forth to find the warhammer that could challenge their most terrible foes. But neither of them could know of the perils that lay ahead, perils to life and limb - and heart.
The members of the Council believe that vampires can coexist with humans. Some vampires disagree. That's where Lawson comes in. He's a Fixer. When a nosferatu gets delusions of grandeur about taking over the world, it's his job to take them out - with extreme prejudice.
The story of a young girl who has won a starship, but now must learn to fly if she is to escape her dastardly brother.
Continues the SPELLSONG CYCLE. Young sorceress Secca is thrust into a position of power when her singer mentor Anna dies unexpectedly before Secca's training is complete. She must combat a naval siege and a new kind of drumming magic brought by the besieging Sea Priests.
An A.I. who dreams of Mecca... A warrior of God facing temptation... A fallen angel ready to settle things once and for all. Three participants engaged in a race for their own personal truths, linked in ways they can't begin to comprehend. Until the final, terrible day of revelation.
Lirael doesn't look like anyone else in her large extended family. She doesn't even have the Sight, the very birthright of the Clayr. Even so, the fate of the Old Kingdom has come to rest in her hands. With only the Disreputable Dog to help her, she leaves Clayr's Glacier for the first time to undertake a desperate mission under the growing shadow of an ancient evil. Sequel to SABRIEL. Recommended.
Second in the cycle of Oak, Yew, Ash and Rowan. The old King is dead and the foolish Prince Florian has assumed the throne. Florian's mother, Queen Ysa of the House of Oak still controls the land behind the scenes, but her job grows more difficult daily.
The editor of DARKSIDE: HORROR FOR THE NEXT MILLENIUM collects 27 original stories from the modern voices of horror. Van Belkom, Simon Clark, Piccirilli, Hodge, Salmonson, Brite, Laymon, Kiernan, Crowther, Brian Hopkins, Lucy Taylor, David Niall Wilson, Richard Wright and David Silva are among the authors presented.
At the age of 14 and standing 5'10", Keladry of Mindelan is a squire. After four years of serving and learning from a seasoned knight, a squire faces a final test, the Ordeal. It takes places in a magical room called the Chamber where the squire encounters the parts of him or herself that the Chamber deems the most difficult to face. Does Kel have what it takes to survive the Ordeal?
With the land of Tortall at war with the Scanrans, Keladry has been assigned to oversee a refugee camp. But she has had a vision in the Chamber of the man behind the horrific battle machines that her fellow knights and friends are now fighting without her. She is torn between the duty she has sworn and a quest that could turn the tide of the war.
It is the twilight of the dragons: as a shy dreamer undertakes a quest to a distant land, two nations are plunged into war by a misunderstanding.
Heirs to a legacy of ancient magic, the twins Griffin and Donovan Kirkwood have become embroiled in the political and religious conflicts of Elizabethan England. But there are darker forces threatening not only the Kirkwoods but the Queen as well. A witch descended from Nimue has unleashed a terrifying force: the Demon of Chaos.
Enter a world 115 years after which Rome fell to the Carthaginian Hannibal. Now the exiled Romans are ready to come back. From the author of the SPQR novels.
As Pony is distracted by the increasingly ardent courtship of the king - and the hatred of the king's longtime mistress, her son Aydrian at fourteen is just coming into his magical power. De'Unnero, the weretiger, is about to meet up with Aydrian, who is hungry for power, destined for war, and owes no loyalty to either his mother or the king.
Brynn Dharielle sets out with her trusted elven mentor for her homeland, Behren. Her mission is to liberate the land where she once saw her parents murdered.
Canadian author. Young Rue Cassels of the Cycler Compact - a civilization based around remote brown dwarf stars - is running for her life from her bullying brother Jentry. Fleeing in a single-person spacecraft she spots an approaching object and stakes a legal claim to it. But instead of the valuable comet she hoped for, it is a billion year old alien starship.
Sent to quell a political uprising on the planet Kingdom, the Marines of the 34th FIST are suddenly confronted with a full-scale invasion by an enemy with devastating firepower - and a reputation for not taking prisoners.
As a child Coriel Halsing spent many glorious summers at Castle Auburn with her half-sister - and fell in love with a handsome prince who could never be hers. But now that she is a young woman she begins to see the dark side of this magical place. Recommended.
A plague has been unleashed upon the kingdom of Majipoor in the seventh and final volume in the cycle.
Three short novels: David Weber's MRS. MIDSHIPWOMAN HARRINGTON, wherein Honor Harrington begins her long and brilliant career ; David Drake's CHOOSING SIDES, wherein Lt. Huber's Hammer's Slammers are caught in an ambush and Huber is sent on a special mission as a means of redemption ; Eric Flint's ISLAND, wherein the enemy learns not to get in the way of the wife of one of General Belisarius's wounded soldiers.
Prince Roger does not understand the strange attitude toward him at the court of the Empire of Man, nor the events that lead to him being marooned on the planet Marduk. If he is to survive, he must hike halfway across a hostile planet, capture a spaceport, commandeer a starship and return for explanations from his mother, the Empress. Fortunately, he has with him the Bravo Company of the Bronze Battalion of the Empress's Own Regiment.
Quest fantasies from such authors as Gaiman, Cherryh, Moorcock and Lackey.
To celebrate Daw's 30th anniversary two special commemorative anthologies are being issued. In the science fiction volume you will stories from Cherryh, Tad Williams, Aldiss, Pohl, C. S. Friedman, Kate Elliot and Czerneda. The stories are new, original, for this volume only.
To celebrate Daw's 30th anniversary two special commemorative anthologies are being issued. In the fantasy volume you will stories from Norton, Rawn, Lackey, Roberson, Huff, Reichert and Tanith Lee. The stories are new, original, for this volume only.
The new THIEVES' WORLD novel. Molin Torchholder, preparing to die in hiding, must arrange for a successor to guard the city Sanctuary's secrets. Cauvin, a refugee from one of the city's bloodiest eras, and a boy named BEc are enlisted to do Molin's bidding and thus uncover the secrets of the past, present and even the future of the legendary Thieves' World.
Britain and Europe 40 years hence. Better times seem, as always, to be on the way, but a subversive group calling themselves the Insanatics is sending out doleful messages to worry and provoke the population. However, life goes on as usual - except for the crew of an expedition to another planet. But the less said about that, the better.
Fall Equinox, 2012: As it has done for a thousand years, a serpent's shadow appears on the northern balustrade of the Kukulcan Pyramid ... a rare Galactic alignment occurs, and a space transmission reaches Earth. It is the beginning of the end...
Autobiography, covering the last fifteen years of his career and containing a heartwrenching selection of letters and poems from his most ardent young fans, many of them deeply troubled, who have found in his writings a kindred spirit who understands both their anguish and their dreams.
A technician passes through the Samarkand runcible a fraction below light speed - the resultant explosion kills many thousands and destroys a terraforming project. Agent Cormac is sent to investigate, although he will have to work without the support of the AI grid, in frigid cold, pursued by a vicious psychopath and a terrifying android and augmented mercenaires. He will have to deal with an extra-galactic entity consisting of four conjoined spheres of flesh, each a kilometre in diameter.
The second MYTHADVENTURES omnibus. Skeeve must deal with mythguided desires, fairy godfathers and an offer he can't refuse.
Two centuries after a nuclear war destroys America, Ryan and his survivalists are battling a rogue baron under the hot Texan sun.
Accomplice is a bizarre, contained city threaded by creep channels, home to a demon tired of his diet of bland souls, where there is an eternal mayoral race and the city's moral fibre is physical, and fraying.
Newfoundland, 1940: 15-year-old Jean MacDougall finds herself plunged into the mysterious Faerie realm of Annwn, befriended by Princess Gwenlian and Druid Laloken, and facing an invasion by a tribe of Norsemen.
Poor and minority children are imprinted with the personality traits of Alexander Marcus, a black man who raised himself up from poverty to become one of the wealthiest, most powerful men in America. The children become focused, driven, inventive, intelligent and love learning. But there is a mysterious darkness to them, a surprising ruthlessness. For Alexander Marcus's terrible secret life has also been imprinted on more than a thousand children.
The classic, award-winning tale of a nanotechnology apocalypse, back in print.
Alissa didn't believe in magic, not until she was sent on a journey to an endangered fortress known as The Hold - and discovered the gifts within herself to save it.
Best in new British SF: four new novellas, one each from Alastair Reynolds, Ken Macleod, John Meaney and Eric Brown.
17 Red Planet stories from the masters: Aldiss, Resnick, McDonald, Steele, Baxter, Wolfe, McAuley, Moorcock, Crowther - including a never-before-published story from Bradbury.
[Canadian author]. The stage is set for a possibly cataclysmic confrontation in non-space - and the Speaker for the Clan Council and her human mate are about to find themselves in the heart of the conflict.
Arthur has reappeared after 1500 years and has chosen to start his comeback trail in New York, New York, running for Mayor. He is a promising candidate - a born leader with good looks and charisma. If only he can keep Morgan Le Fey and Mordred under control and out of the gossip columns, his grassroots campaign in the five boroughs has some chance of appealing to the voters.
Intrepid spaceship captain Lorq von Ray deceives his motley crew into believing the aim of the trip is to obtain seven tons of a precious fuel. His intention, motivated by revenge, is to travel through the core of a recently imploded sun.
A lost girl weeps in the wilderness. Is her rescuer a crazy, lonely woodsman, or a timeworn Celtic god? Will the Black Time come, when dark evil machines tower over Citharista, or will young Pierrette become the great sorceress of her dreams, with fire at her fingertips to stem the evil tide?
A long time ago two great sorcerers fought a duel to determine the fate of the world - a battle that split the very Tapestry of Time. Magic itself was ripped from our world, and its practitioners were trapped in a spell of sleep. The realm of Magicks, however, still exists on the far side of a mysterious region known as the Borderland. Whoever controls the four gates of the Borderlands controls both worlds.
The summer is over - but not the war between the Magickers and the Dark Hand. Jason and his Magicker friends struggle to master their talents - while keeping their unique skills a secret from their non-Magicker friends, families - and foes. Jason has just learned that his own talent is his ability to find and open the Gates between worlds. But this power is sure to make him a primary target of the Dark Hand.
Sequel to DUN LADY'S JESS and CHANGESPELL. Camolen's Council of Wizards has been cut down by twisted magic and the only surviving witness is a palomino stallion named Ramble. Carey plans to question the palomino, using the now-forbidden spell that can change a horse into a human and turned Dun Lady's Jess to human and took her from her world to ours. But once Carey, Jess and Ramble leave Camolen, the twisted magic strikes, corrupting even the simplest spells. Even the spell that can take them home.
The enemies of Krondor now have the powerful stone the Tear of the Gods and intend to use it against the embattled kingdom. Prince Arutha, his loyal squires, and the great magicians of Stardock, must somehow wrest the Tear from those who would pervert its might.
Bohannon pursues the one night stand, maybe the girl of his dreams or maybe just a common grifter, who lifted his wallet. He faces poisonous reptiles, bugs, floods, and the demands of the jungle only to wind up in the middle of a hunt for gold.
Dr. Jim Dutton is one of a number of US scientists who has agreed to raise a bonobo chimp in his home, supposedly to study reaction to enriched intellectual environments. But the chimp is more than exceptional in its abilities. How much has it been genetically altered - and why?
Nanotechnology has transformed the world. Sentient cities sit alongside ruined landscapes, radio and electronic communications have disappeared. And now people are starting to disappear, and unearthly lights have begun to appear in unexpected places. In Crescent City Jason Peabody makes a startling discovery that sets him on a journey to reveal the mysteries that have transformed his world.
Glorious finale of the Winterlands (DRAGONSBANE) series. As the pitched battle against the Hellspawn rages in the season of the Dragon Star, dragonslayer Lord John has been condemned to death for consorting with demons.
Includes new works from Aldiss, Benford, Bisson, Le Guin, Morrell, Swanwick, Wolfe and many more.
Major stories from classic and contemporary names: Anderson, Banks, Baxter, Bear, Benford, Bova, Brin, Clarke, Clement, Egan, Haldeman, Kingsbury, Kress, McAuley, Pohl, Niven.
Rani Glasswright is home in her native Morenia, and her quest to restore the glasswrights' guild is moving forward again. But there are those who benefit from having the Guild shattered - and Rani is a threat to their plans.
Libidissi is a town in the East. In the near future, on the roof of an airport, undercover agent Spaik awaits his replacement, knowing that to be replaced is to die. There ensues a deadly pursuit through the forboding streets of Libdissi, through a world of violence, fanaticism and paranoia.
Deryni-inspired stories by devoted fans, including one, never before published, by Kurtz herself.
Firekeeper is a strange, feral young woman, raised with wolves. But she is apparently an heir to the recently vacated throne, and the pack sends her back to the humans, with her best friend, the wolf called Blind Seer. Can she learn to be a human and deal with the intrigues around the royal succession? Recommended.
A collection of 32 of his horror short stories.
Sequel to DAUGHTER OF THE FOREST. Sorcha's daughter Liadan embarks on a journey to save the Sevenwaters clan from unguessed ancient powers and dark forces.
Trade paperback edition of 2001 Hugo nominee - pocketbook not due until 2003. Now the growing turmoil in the Seven Kingdoms is about to come to a violent head, giving rise to a threat that will soon become a storm of swords. House Lannister has tightened its grip on the Iron Throne, but Tyrion still chafes under the rule of his scheming sister, his brutal father, and his spoiled, sadistic nephew. Robb Stark is forced to defend his fledgling kingdom against the ravages of the Greyjoys. Jon Snow stands against a growing menace from behind the Wall. And a continent away, Danaerys Stormborn and her dragons grow in power.
A trip to Earth convinces Kris and Zainal that Botany has much to offer other worlds. In the aftermath of the departure of the alien Catteni humanity must find a way to restore prosperity.
Liath was proud to have passed her challenge and become a true mage, ready to find a Triad to bond with as an Illuminator. But that very night, her light fails her and she can no longer see the magic illumination guides. She petitions the Ennead, the senior mages of the land, for help and cure. But before they will help her she must find and capture the rogue Dark Mage and bring him to the Ennead for justice.
Six water-related tales of mysterious merfolk and magical humans.
Vancouver author. Vancouver in the 22nd century is a vibrant seaport despite the global economic collapse and massive sea level rise that have transformed the Pacific Northwest. The city is divided between its prospering Guild citizens and the starving descendants of American refugees. New to Vancouver, young Klale Renhardt, once a member of the powerful Fishers Guild, has already made too many enemies on the half-drowned, ungoverned island of Downtown. Now working at the famous and well-connected KlonDyke nightclub, Klale is a target. The only people who might be able to help her are Blade, the apparently mindless slave of Downtown's most feared blackmailer and Toni, the KlonDyke's beautiful bartender.
Young Llewelyn is an unhappy child, estranged from his parents and solaced by a local hedge witch who lies to him but makes him happy. After she dies, he attends school, joins a revolution and ends up an angry young magician ready to fight the world.
Count Ulric von Bek escapes from a Nazi concentration camp and journeys to a strange, underground world to meet a figure known only to him in dreams, Elric of Melnibone, the wandering Prince of Ruins. Somehow they are the same person but separate, destined to join the struggle between Law and Chaos.
In the 26th century, after mankind has spead through the galaxy, science has delivered what religion only promised: eternal life. It is a future that the engaging yet utterly lethal Takeshi Kovacs thought was his own. He is wrong.
The former minister of an abandoned church is now a murderous demon who has taken human form, returning ready to begin a new killing spree.
Kyrtian, learned in the ancient military skills, commands the army for the current elvenlords against their rebellious sons, but soon learns he is on the wrong side. He embarks on his own quest, resuming his father's search for the Great Portal, the magical doorway through which the original elvenlords entered this world.
A man wakes in the wilderness amid scattered corpses and inquistive crows. He has lost his memory. He has skill with a sword and fragmented dreams that permeate his sleep. He moves from village to village, masquerading as a god to obtain food and shelter, but the shadow of his past pursues him relentlessly, whispering to him a riddle far more complex than he could ever have imagined.
Professor Andrew Hale is drawn back into Her Majesty's Secret Service in 1963 when elements from his past, including Kim Philby, are gathering in Beirut. Hale finds himself rushing toward a deadly confrontation on Mt. Ararat, where a covert Soviet expedition is closing in on the Biblical Ark. Co-winner of the World Fantasy Award. Recommended.
On the planet Henry II, at the centre of the Milky Way, there is a tavern, The Outpost. Through the doors have come the galaxy's greatest heroes, villains, and adventurers. But their quiet life of mayhem is interrupted by an alien invasion and now they must try to work together.
Bounty hunter Sebastian Nightingale Cain is after Santiago, the murderer known by all and seen by none. His legend is as large as the Rim itself, his trail as elusive as a wisp of starlight in the emptiness of space. The reward is the largest in history, but who dares chase him?
Set in the GUARDIANS OF THE FLAME universe, this novel continues from NOT EXACTLY THE THREE MUSKEETERS the adventures of the journeymen soldiers of Castle Cullinane, sworn to protect the Cullinane manse and the sometimes-heroic Jason Cullinane, who chose to renounce his family's right to the throne.
A homage to FLATLAND. Joe Cube, employed by a Silicon Valley startup, takes home an experimental machine. He turns it on and finds himself contacted by Momo, a woman from the fourth dimension. In return for helping her with a scheme, he's given a four-dimensional vision that comes in handy at the Vegas blackjack tables. But Momo's scheme turns out to have angles Joe couldn't have imagined.
Canadian author. In a parallel world the Neanderthals became the dominant intelligent species. A risky experiment strands neanderthal physicist Ponter Boddit in our world. Meanwhile Ponter's research partner is left with a messy lab, a missing boyd, and a murder trial he can't possibly win because he doesn't know what happened. Recommended. Book signing in early June.
Thraxas returns for a case that is his most bizarre yet. But in the magical city of Turai, where the only people more corrupt than the officials are the senior officials, and the only Orcs you can trust are dead ones, you should expect the unexpected.
18th century Europe: It is an age when superstition is beginning to give way before the dawn of human reason, and no man so fully embodies the spirit of the times as Dr. Erasmus Darwin. And when the renowned Dr. Darwin is called upon to heal a man dying of an ailment that seems impossible, he has no idea that it is the beginning of a quest that will lead him to the darkest corners of Europe, and a stunning encounter with the most famous inhabitant of a certain Scottish loch.
A new best of the year fantasy story series is launched.
Half-man, half-alien Ukiah Oregon (of ALIEN TASTE) is tracking a missing woman when he discovers what may actually be the long-lost 'Magic Boy' - who vanished back in 1933.
Now in hardcover: the families who rule Haven need a short victorious war to unite the people and fill the treasury. It is a card they have played often in the last half-century. But this time they're up against Captain Honor Harrington.
[Canadian author]. Scott Warden is a slacker in a beach community in early 21st century Thailand - until he witnesses the appearance of a 200-foot pillar, composed of an exotic form of matter and bearing an inscription celebrating a victory 16 years into the future. But it is only the first such pillar. The next appears in downtown Bangkok, obliterating the city. Who is the warlord whose victories these pillars celebrate? Recommended.
Humanity is facing extinction, and humans are in desperate need of a new home. The only possibility is the planet Pandora, which is a near match to Earth. But when people arrive on the planet, they find terror instead of refuge.
In the face of the Yuuzhan Vong's conquests, the New Republic is edging closer to surrender. Now, as Leia and Han Solo drum up resistance, Luke Skywalker sets out to breach enemy lines.
Stories that explore the secondary effects of the events taking place in the Return of the Archwizards series: Salvatore, Greenwood, Cunningham and Denning are included.
Movie tie-in: Spider-Man battles the most dangerous Sinister Six line-up ever: Doctor Octopus, Electro, Mysterio, the Vulture, Pity, and the Gentleman.
As the civil war within the Federated Commonwealth rages on, Katrina Steiner-Davion continues her tyrannical rule as her deposed brother Victor slowly wins back the empire she stole from him. But Katrina's carefully laid plans develop a more personal - and sinister - offensive.
Earth, 1974: Gary Seven, an undercover operative for an advanced alien species, watches in alarm as a program to create an artificially enhanced race of superhumans comes to fruition. He is particularly distressed to see the youth named Khan Noonien Singh come to adulthood.
The life of the man called Khan continues in the planet Earth's 'Alternate Twentieth Century'.
An army has come to seize the citadel Zaragoz and depose its duke. Orfeo, a wandering player, is plunged deep into a web of intrigue within the walls of Zaragoz.
Collection of stories - all-new adventures of such heroes as Inquisitor Eisenhorn, Captain Ureil Ventris and Kage and the Last Chancers.
As the Dominion War rages, Counsellor Deanna Troi is forced to kidnap a telepathic killer to aid in the resistance movement on her home planet of Betazed - a world that places the Dominion within striking distance of Vulcan, Andor, and even Earth itself.
The angelic hosts of the High Heavens and the demonic hordes of the burning Hells are locked in a struggle for the fate of all creation. After years of wandering the world, soldier of fortune Darrick Lang is back in Bramwell, but something terrifying has snared the citizens of his hometown.
Dhamon Grimwulf, once a Hero of the Heart, has sunk into a bitter life of crime and squalor. Now, as the great dragon overlords of the Fifth Age coldly plot to strengthen their rule and destroy their enemies, he must somehow find the will to redeem himself.
Based on the screenplay and story of the film that continues the story of Anakin Skywalker, the Jedi who will become Darth Vader.
An archaelogical dig uncovers a strange crystal that could destroy the Taelons. When in the hands of anybody but its Cherokee guardians it transforms its bearer into a terrifying monster out of Cherokee legend. As Taelons and humans alike attempt to possess the power of the crystal, it indeed falls into the wrong hands.
Following the end of Terminator 2, Sarah and John Connor have escaped to Paraguay. But they soon discover that Cyberdyne, the company who built Skynet, the computer that would create the Terminators, is still active and hard at work. To finish the job, they must battle the most insidious Terminator yet - one cleverly disguised as a woman.
Movie artwork, including character sketches, costume and set designs, models, digital images, paintings and animatic stoyboards - and the only place to find the complete shooting script.
Revised to include hundreds of new and expanded entries, including those from Episodes 1 and 2 and the New Jedi Order novels.
As the people of Krynn remember the triumph at the conclusion of the War of the Lance, a new war looms, more terrible than any have known.
Gaunt's Ghosts take to the air to attack the Chaos-infested cities of Phantine. However, troopers are being murdered and Gaunt must defend one of his Ghosts against the charge.
The knights and wizards of New Britannia have joined the warlike Juka to invade the desert wastes of the Technocrats. An outlaw knight and a crafty Jukan must uncover the secret plot that governs the carnage that ravages time-torn Sosaria.
The billionaire Gentleman has recruited the Sinister Six, including the young woman Pity, to assassinate Spider-Man. Spider-Man is faced with the dilemma of saving Pity, whom he suspects of being his sister, or destroying the Sinister Six.
Konrad, armed with his mystical sword, the Warblade, is thrown into conflict with the skaven, who are plotting against the life of the Emperor himself.
The young Picard and his untested crew on the Stargazer have been assigned to put a stop to the activities of the pirate known as the White Wolf. Picard learns that he is expected to fail and have his captaincy disgraced. So he must succeed with this impossible mission.
Picard and the senior staff of the Stargazer are off ship when a distress call arrives from a nearby star system. Second officer Victoria Wu, left in command, must deal with a mystery involving a damaged ship and a peculiar interstellar phenomenon.
The sage Elminster's powers and past are revealed in an epic-level struggle with an archdevil.
The final book in the Odyssey Cycle reveals the final changes to the world. Every powerful wizard and fighter on the continent of Otari wants one thing: power. One artifact can provide it, but only one of them can possess it.
Tie-in to home video release of 'Stephen King's Rose Red'. A record of the mysterious events at Rose Red that so scandalized the society of the early 1900s.
A burst of energy hits a small Illinois town, causing 113 children, known as 'Specials' to be born with super powers. Now many of them are starting to die. Formerly a comic book, now to be a movie.
Final book in the series. The long-separated siblings Amero and Nianki are reunited as raiders, nomads, villagers, ogres, elves, and dragons of good and evil have all joined battle to decide the fate of the first primitive civilization of Krynn.
Luke Skywalker's mission to halt the Yuuzhan Vong's overthrow of the New Republic is struggling, and Leia and Han Solo are trapped on a small planet whose rulers are about to yield to the Vong.
Greenwich Village is the perfect place for five, disaffected, super-powered renegade teens. But when they get attacked by the meanest bunch of genetically souped-up twelve year olds they have ever seen, they stand to lose a lot more than their cool.
When an unauthorized spacecraft lands in the middle of New York City's Central Park, and is found bristling with an array of deadly antimatter weaponry, it's a job for Men in Black - the top-secret organization that monitors the activities of all extraterrestrials living on Earth.
A transporter accident causes both Kirk and McCoy to vanish. Spock, now in command, dispatches a search-and-rescue team consisting of Security Chief Giotta, Transporter technician John Kyle and Chief Helmsman Hikaru Sulu. But then the rescue team vanishes as well.
Stranded on a transformed Federation colony, now a Gorn mining world worked by oppressed human slaves, helmsman Hikaru Sulu meets an older version of a man he barely knows, named Pavel Chekov, who now leads a raging band of freedom fighters against the Gorns.
Space marine Ardo Melnikov battles the alien Zerg for control of the planet Mar Sara. As he fights, however, he begins to question the memories that motivate him. Are the Zerg truly the monsters he's been led to believe - or is he merely a mind-controlled pawn of the Confederation?
The official behind-the-scenes book includes the usual exclusive art and photographs, as well as the shooting script.
His forces bloodied from recent defeats, deposed Prince Victor Steiner-Davion forms a daring plan to cut the offensive off at its core...
Vancouver author. In a house where everyone has a secret, why should the maid be any different? Larajin is a half-elf, unacknowledged daughter of Thamalon Uskevren. She becomes embroiled in a bitter war between elves and humans. In order to bring peace to both Sembia and the Dalelands, Larajin will have to confront a twin brother she doesn't know and save a half-brother whose fate hangs in the balance.
New heroes band together to battle the remarkable Joan of Arc-like villainess and her army of the dead.