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Please note that this listing is not exhaustive; we have many more titles forthcoming.
This catalogue and recent previous catalogues are available on our website.
The new THIEVES' WORLD novel. Molin Torchholder, preparing to die in hiding, must arrange for a successor to guard the city Sanctuary's secrets. Cauvin, a refugee from one of the city's bloodiest eras, and a boy named Bec are enlisted to do Molin's bidding and thus uncover the secrets of the past, present and even the future of the legendary Thieves' World.
50 pages of Adams' unfinished novel THE SALMON OF DOUBT along with other writings culled from the 3000 unpublished files left on his disk drives. Recommeded.
First unified publication of the INTERSTELLAR PATROL series. The starship crew was stuck on a planet where the schemes of social engineers had created a nightmare of battling gangs. So they pretended to be Royal Legions from a distant star kingdom. Things went better than they could hope and the planet was rapidly becoming civilized - and then the real Royal flagship showed up.
The destruction of an outlink station by a nanomycelium suggests that the alien bioconstruct Dragon is somehow involved. Agent Cormac must investigate the disaster and also resolve the question of Masada, a world about to be subsumed as the Line of Polity is drawn across it.
Canadian author. Shriah of the Thousand Temples has declared holy war and has collected a force of thousands to retake the Holy City from the heathens. In the chaos a sorcerer, a concubine and a warrior fall under the spell of a man thought long dead, who brings revelation and insight and threatens to escalate the holy war into the Second Apocalypse.
In a fabulously wealthy maritime city, a parallel Venice, created humans (genics) are despised and exploited by the genuine human citizens. But then the sinister Count Dracone plots to seize ultimate power with the aid of infernal beings and the emissaries and technology of the sinister northern Empire.
Sequel to DARWIN'S RADIO. A decade has passed and millions of the SHEVA New Children have been born around the world. Kaye Lang and Mitch Rafelson, who worked on the SHEVA enigma, are on the run, but continue their research into virology, archaeology and evolutionary biology. Their SHEVA daughter Terra Nova, however, is part of a hated minority and soon is entrapped by a bounty hunter.
After a terrifying attempt on his life, scientist Hal Cousins finds himself trapped inside an ever-twisting maze of shocking revelations. He is not the first person to come close to uncovering the key to immortality - and those who came before him are determined to keep the secret to themselves.
If Ahvren can save the emperor from assassination, he'll have a chance to shape his destiny and his sister's - but navigating the tangled web of alien races in the T'Chin Confederation turns out to be surprisingly dangerous, and time is running out.
16 of the acclaimed short stories with a California setting from one of the masters of contemporary fantasy.
Phedre has never forgotten her childhood friend Hyacinthe, spending ten long years searching for the key to free him from his eternal indenture to the Master of Straits, a bargain with the gods that he struck so a nation could be saved. In doing so he took Phedre's place as a sacrifice. She is determined to seize one last hope to free her friend, even if it means her death.
A chance encounter between the remnants of the human military and an inexplicable alien force has brought an armed expedition to the third planet of the fabled Three Kings. They will join forces with survivors of two earlier expeditions as they encounter the alien minds behind the mysterious triple planetary system.
Merlin's ancient prophecy foretells that a Maid will come, La Pucelle, who will unite the kingdom and heal the land, but how much longer must the wounded land wait?
Canadian author. This is the story of Esen, the last survivor of a unique alien race. Able to take on the form of any creature she observes, Esen has long since broken the cardinal rule of her species: non-interference.
Tahquil has learned that she alone holds the key to the Gate of Oblivion's Kiss, the only way back to the mystical land of Faeran. Now, as front-line casualties mount and her beloved Thorn is missing in action, she must race across Erith and cast the warmongers out before all is lost.
Imrhein braves a world of faery folk and other creatures to elicit the help of the healer, Maeve One-Eye. Soon after, she finds that she is the real target of the monstrous attacks that have befallen her king and his armies - and she has no idea why.
Earth's Interstellar Marine Expeditionary Unit embarks on a ten-year voyage to a hostile world to face a vicious alien race determined to enslave humankind.
Nothing ever comes easily to Shan. Unable to see well, and barely an adult, she is forced into a soldier's life that she never wanted and then discovers she may be the blind woman of the prophecy. She teams up with a charismatic but unpredictable warrior and a talented but untrained magician to destory the Firedrake and free the Perin people.
Sequel to THE STILL. With his new kingdom still reeling from the war that set the crown of Caledon upon his head, Rodgrigo must be stronger than ever to keep his position - and the fragile peace that surrounds him. Now he leads a divided army against powerful invaders, and only his expert use of magic of the Still can save them.
The new Midkemia series: in a distant land, high among the snowcapped mountains, a peaceful nation is mercilessly put to the sword - yet one among them has survived. Little more than a boy, Talon of the Silver Hawk must carry on until, someday, he becomes strong enough to seek vengeance against those who have destroyed his home and kin.
The luxury liner River of Stars was once the envy of all solar sailors, but she operates now as a tramp freighter and her crew is a motley group of misfits. When an unlikley and catastrophic engine failure strikes, the story of their doom has the inevitability and power of a Greek tragedy.
Skilgannon the Damned is back. Now he must travel across a perilous, demon-haunted realm seeking a mysterious temple and the ageless goddess who rules it. With assassins on his trail and an army of murderous foes ahead, the Damned sets off on a quest to resurrect the dead. But he does not travel alone - the man beside him is Druss the Legend.
In the Druagh mountains the Rigante outlaw leader known as Ravenheart waits as the Varlish armies of destruction creep slowly towards his stronghold, led by the black-hearted Moidart's only son, Stormrider. And a secret lost in the uncharted past has returned to haunt these two warriors, Ravenheart and Stormrider as they face an ancient evil, rising from the bloodshed to slake its thirst.
Across the water from 17th century Sicily is the kingdom known as Tyrrhia, a land where magic has the power to shape the course of history and love has the power to unravel it. Religions rise, governments fall, and the only thing more powerful than a gypsy's passion is a gypsy's curse.
A collection of his stories, including the full-length novel SPACE PRISON.
Renaissance Europe: Dr. John Dee comes to Prague attempting to recapture an escaped demon and meets the famous Rabbi Loew. Despite their differences they join forces in a mystical search to find the Last Righteous Man.
Young Richard Cypher helps a woman escape an attack by assassins. Suddenly he finds himself involved in a war against a wizard who has enslaved the power of the underworld. Richard, it appears, holds the key to the only slim chance of winning against the wizard's immense, evil power.
All-original stories about the men, machines and aliens fighting the wars of tomorrow. Longyear, Rusch, Keith, Fawcett, Sawyer and many others.
Vampire hunter Anita Blake learns hell hath no fury like a vampire scorned - she finds out just how far she'll let herself get pushed around by one of the oldest vampires alive - or should one say, dead? Meanwhile, she must learn to cope with the ardeur, the erotic magic that has her cavorting with wereleopards and vampires twice a day while werewolf boyfriend Richard is off sulking somewhere.
In 5 centuries the mighty Empire of the Mexica, descendants of the ancient Aztecs, has spread out to conquer the earth. Now, on a desolate barren world far from the heart of civilization, Gretchen Andersson, a young human xeno-archaeologist, is about to discover an awesome, long-buried secret that could alter the galactic balance of power forever.
Sequel to BELARUS. The once magnificent planet has descended into centuries of isolationism and bigotry. When representatives of the new galactic Union contact Belarus, they claim to have their best interests at heart. But they also harbour a secret mission, related to the Enemies, the brutal alien race beneath the planet's surface.
Michael's girlfriend, the unfortunately (but accurately) named Cruella, doesn't approve of his obsession with the little people, but the problem is that they won't leave him alone. But it is his own stepfather who is responsible for causing them so much misery. Yes, Daddy George knows that elves can do so much more than the gardening.
When Paul Carpenter arrives to start his new job at H. W. Wells he isn't expecting that the apparently respectable establishment is in fact a front for a deeply sinister organization that has a mighty peculiar agenda. It seems that half the time his bosses are away with the fairies. But they're not, of course. They're away with the goblins.
Fantasy stories concerning African magic and lore - Gaiman, Due, Steven Barnes, Hambly, and more.
For the first time the poetry of one of the world's most respected writers of fantasy, the author of THE SARANTINE MOSAIC and TIGANA, has been gathered and selected for publication.
An epic fantasy of religious pilgrims on a hostile desert planet. A starfleet of colonists, gone irrevocably off-course on their way to a paradisal planet, find refuge on a world never meant to be theirs.
As the world slides towards the destruction initiated by the Regenesis group, society is falling apart as belief fragments. Now a law has been passed which sanctions mass religious suicide as long as the church registers itself. In a world where hardly anyone has much to live for, it's a dangerous law.
Continuing the saga begun in MEMORY OF FIRE, Molly McColl and Lauren Dane are determined to stop a serpentine evil that threatens the world-chain - a soulless, immortal enemy who feeds on the death which is now turning its hungry gaze on Oria - and Earth.
Since the day her father's fishing boat returned without him, Peri and her mother have mourned his loss. Unable to control her anger and sorrow any longer, Peri uses the small magic she knows to hex the sea. Then suddenly into her drab life come the King's sons - changelings with strange ties to the underwater kingdom - a young magician - and finally, love. Recommended.
Poldarn is pursued by invisible enemies and haunted by demons of the past in a world he does not know. Attempting to piece together his own past from scattered fragments and dreams, he comes to the island he believes to be his childhood home. Will he find peace here - or more terrors for him to confront?
At first she is Brown Hannah, a drab healer living in the enchanted Tanglewood. Then, when she challenges the magician who holds her captive, she becomes Green Hannah. Next she is Golden Hannah, traveling through the land with talking animals and birds by her side. Finally she is Russet Hannah, who makes the long journey back to where she first grew and learns her true story.
The children of the twin brothers Donovan and Griffin are involved in a magic-fuelled struggle to protect Elizabethan England from enemies both mortal and demonic.
Signals are being received, coming from a mere fifty light years away and headed toward Earth. But will the approaching beings be friendly? Earth struggles toward a unified response as panic spreads and the signals grow ever clearer, ever closer.
Sequel to A HYMN BEFORE BATTLE and GUST FRONT. After five years of battling invaders, human civilization prepares a strike to drive the aliens from the Earth. But the Clan-Lord of the Sten has learned from the defeats humans have dealt him, and has his own battle plan. When he squares off against Major Michael O'Neal, the only winner will be Satan himself.
Enter a world 115 years after which Rome fell to the Carthaginian Hannibal. Now the exiled Romans are ready to come back. From the author of the SPQR novels.
An ageless man who is a violinist of exquisite talent - and a vampire - haunts the streets and stages of Europe, fighting the Hunger at the same time that he must sate it.
Boudica at 12 killed her first warrior. At 21 she defended her land against the Roman invasion. At 40 she led her people in a bloody revolt and became a legend. Recommended.
Combines the classic TWILGHT VOWS with the new WINGS IN THE NIGHT novella RUN FROM TWILIGHT.
Sequel to COLD AS ICE. On the moons around Jupiter and Saturn three discoveries are made. One is a signal from intelligence outside of the solar system. Another is a mathematical population growth model that predicts extinction for the human race. The third is a weapon from the Great War - primed to destroy the Sun.
Hideous demons roam the streets in an orgy of terror, drawing pleasure from torturing humans as sadistically as possible. Ira, a young San Francisco artist, becomes involved with a strange group of scientists and philosophers desperately trying to end the bloody siege. They come to believe that these demons didn't just appear - they were summoned.
A biography of Douglas Adams, a struggling comedy sketch writer in 1978 when A HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY was was first aired by the BBC.
In a future Ice Age, hunter-gatherers called Trappers handcopy their books to preserve the Warm Times - a long-ago time when such things as guns and cars existed. When invaders slaughter many Trappers, Doctor Catania Olsen leads them on a journey to warmer lands.
A slow colony ship reaches a promising world and begins colonization. Some of the colonists are already revived from suspended animation, when two mysteries present themselves: is the planet still inhabited by the alien race that left the ruins of great cities, and who killed the eminent scientist who was leading the investigation of the ruins?
Sequel to THE DRAGON DELASANGRE. Changelings by day and slayers at dark, they call themselves People of the Blood, but Mankind knows them as Dragons. These are the confessions of the dragon Peter DelaSangre, continuing four years after the murder of his beloved wife.
[Canadian author]. In a new television reality show six contestants 'audition' for a part in a horror movie. Whoever lasts the night in a haunted house, rigged with special effects, walks away rich and famous. But the show's producers fail to check into the house's past - a past that never died.
A manned mission to Mars becomes a personal mission for an unlikely bunch of suburban misfits. In a deserted warehouse near Daytona they construct a spaceship out of old tanker cars and they plan to not only beat the Chinese to Mars, but to rescue everyone aboard the marooned Ares 7 as well.
More Honor Harrington stories - including entries from Ringo, Flint and Zahn.
Medraut, eldest son of Artos, high king of Britain, joins the high king's treacherous sister Morgause in a plot to force Artos to forfeit his power and kingdom in exchange for the life of his other son, Lleu.
In the near future genetically transmitted diseases are being eliminated and manual labour is gradually being transferred to 'sims', genetically altered chimps who occupy a gray zone between simian and human.
10,000 years from now, Jupiter is a second sun in the solar system, Mars and Venus are terraformed, and an interplanetary utopian society filled with immortal human beings has been established. But not even a society as advanced as this is without problems.
Never believing the rumours that the government was selling humans as slaves to the Alphans in exchange for alien technology, Rose Rico soon finds herself captive, bound for the Alpha home world. There she will cater to the depraved desires of her new alien masters. First of a three-part series.
In Isavalta magic is a pattern woven into the fabric of the land. Medeoan, Empress of Isavalta, relaizes that her treacherous husband is trying to control both her mind and her empire. Surprisingly, her only true help comes from an unexpected source - fisherman Ingrid Loftfield, an unlikely saviour for a magical empire.
Centuries from now, humanity has undergone a major evolutionary step: the ability for two individuals to exchange bodies, to 'hopscotch' from one to another. But with this strange new ability comes not only newfound pleasures and experiences, but the risk of losing your own identity - or even your soul...
A celebration, in stories and memoirs, of Anderson's distinguished career in science fiction and fantasy
Returning to his rightful kingdom, Prince Jermany faces the final conflict in his desperate battle to reunite the five sacred crystals and defeat the evil anti-god, whose campaign of conquest is now almost complete.
E. Godz, Inc's stock in trade was magic. Unfortunately Edwina Godz's two children hate each other's guts, and if she were to step aside and let them take over the company, it would go down the tubes. So she decided to let them fight it out for dominance using all the tricks of both corporate in-fighting and wizardry.
Kane is thrown 25 years into a parallel future in which the mysterious Imperator has seemingly restored civilization to America. In this alternate reality only Kane and Grant have survived and the spilled blood has left them estranged. Yet Kane is certain that a different path to tomorrow exists somewhere in time.
It is clear to the creatures of Wyvernwood, last refuge to the dragons and the other magical creatures that the gradual encroachment of mankind means they must find a new home. The only way to do that is to reunite three ancient artifacts. Prophecy says that one of three young dragons will accomplish the task.
The epic story of Aidan MacAllister, a musician beloved by the gods, whose voice and harp could transform the souls of men - from the author of the Rai-Kirah series.
The Trojan War seen through the eyes of Kassandra - priestess, princess, and passionate woman with the spirit of a warrior.
For Hal Kailas the only true power in the world is that of the dragons. As a child he loved to climb the high cliffs around his village and watch them nesting there. His only dream was to grow wings - or to learn to ride a dragon. But when the uneasy peace of the kingdoms is threatened by war, Hal's dream becomes a reality.
The Qirsi War defeated and dispersed the Qirsi and their magical powers. Now, after centuries of uneasy peace among the clans, an assassin kills a royal heir whose weddding would have united two realms. A new war erupts, promising to be more devastating and vicious than the Qirsi War.
The realms of the Forelands are in turmoil as a result of a powerful conspiracy of Qirsi sorcerers. A handful of Qirsi and nobles realize that the time has come to take action, but operate in ignorance of one another. With the death of a king, new alliances form and former enemies become unlikley partners.
THE BORRIBLES, THE BORRIBLES GO FOR BROKE, and ACROSS THE DARK METROPOLIS in one volume. A small group of feral, street-wise Peter Pan-type beings set out on three very different but related missions across the darker side of London. Recommended.
Mankind, now barely distinguishable from machine intelligences, is rarely embodied outside virtual environments. It is time to use the very building blocks of time and space, to engineer the universe itself. Time to enter a new quantum realm of marvels and terrors.
Latest in the Band of Four adventures. The rightful heir to the Kingless Land has been located, but now the priests of the Serpent have regrouped and unleashed a berserker plague of lycanthropy. They plan to resurrect the Serpent.
Sookie's boyfriend has been very distant - in another state, distant. Now she's off to Mississippi to mingle with the underworld at Club Dead - a little haunt where the vampire elite go to chill out. But when she finally finds Bill - caught in an act of betrayal - she's not sure whether to save him ... or sharpen some stakes.
Peace has settled across the land. But to the south, an empire lies ready to crumble. When the Dowager Empress dies with no successor, brutal war looms. And an old nemesis of Rhapsody's - presumed dead for centuries - resurfaces, forcing her to choose between facing his depravity or sacrificing her own life - and that of her unborn child.
Ensign Paul Sinclair has been assigned to the orbiting, military spacecraft, USS Michaelson, as its sole legal advisor. But when the ship's captain faces court-martial following the destruction of a civilian research vessel, Sinclair finds himself defending a doomed officer.
A force from the Otherside threatens to break through to our world and destroy the balance between Light and Darkness. Unless, of course, the Keepers Claire and Diana - two sisters who are able to reweave the possibilities of time and space - can prevent a permanent rift between the world - at the local shopping mall.
Horror. Christopher Ward signed up with a literary agency wanting to be so rich that it would be obscene. And he is a success - but there is a price to pay. Nothing lasts forever...
Crystal worker Tiann is experimenting with a new kind of crystal when she starts to have visions. A latent talent for geomancy, the most powerful of the Secret Arts, is awakened. Falsely accused of sabotage by a rival, she flees, following her visions to Tirthax, where a nightmare awaits her.
Sequel to GEOMANCER. Humanity is losing its war with the intelligent, winged predators known as Lyrinx. The crystal worker Tiaan, with her newly awakened talent for geomancy, is leading her people in a last, desperate stand against the Lyrinx.
In the wake of the Battle of Shan Moss, Lusara slips further into the hold of a new despotic king. The Angel of Darkness is destroying everything that stands in his way while still caught in the grip of a prophecy he can no longer deny. Robert Douglas sets out on a dangerous path to free Lusara once and for all.
Eric Banyon has more to worry about than passing his courses at Juilliard. The evil elf lord Aerune, whose love was killed by mortal men, is determined to destroy the human race. Eric's only hope is to trap Aerune in a magical maze. But for the plan to work, Eric and his friends must pass undetected through a gate between the worlds directly into the heart of Aerune's realm and then trick Aerune into entering the maze.
A full length novel and a host of short novels from a master of sf adventure.
Pursued across space by the ultra-secret Department of the Interior, hunted by the galaxy-wide Juntavas syndicate, Val and Miri have commandeered the only spaceship on Vandar and fled, seeking help from Miri's newly discovered kin of Lytaxin.
2nd volume in the Fafhrd and Gray Mouser series.
Dragon Magic, fuelled by the agony of dying slaves, has ruled the world for millenia. Now Wraith, a boy with uncanny power, tries to start a revolution. His friend Solander believes he has discovered a totally new form of magic. And then there is Luercas, a sadistic noble who will commit any crime that furthers his ambition. These three will challenge the rulers of globe-spanning power.
Britain has dissolved into a loose collection of tiny tribes and villages who take identity from the island's myths and legends. Across this bizarre landscape a man embarks on an epic quest to rescue his kidnapped wife, despite the fact their marriage had been a disaster.
In a bleak and gritty England, in a fantastical Age of Industry, the wealth that comes from magic is both revered and reviled. Here, an ambitious young man is haunted by his childhood love - a woman determined to be a part of a world he despises.
Flip-over double, a novella from two of the hottest British sf writers.
The planet of Windhaven, with its light gravity, allows certain inhabitants to fly with constructed wings. They are messengers, politically informed, unarmed and detached from the messages they carry. But when a young woman and her step-brother challenge their code, a new world is born.
Six water-related tales of mysterious merfolk and magical humans.
Sequel to SOULS IN THE GREAT MACHINE. War looms and the ultra-light American diesel gunwings can hold their own against Australian human-powered battle-computers and a tram-based net. But they are helpless against the ultimate doomsday machine: The Miocene Arrow. Recommended.
Five people tell their stories and the many parts unite into a single tale of justice and truth in a world beset by technological challenges, drowning in apathy and attacked by devious evil.
The sequel to GENESIS QUEST. Alien-engineered humans leave their Nar masters and attempt to return to Earth, the source of their genetic programming.
Eber of the South has no hope of matching his northern brother in numbers or arms. And when a poet-king and his red-capped warriors arrive from across the sea, it seems he has another enemy. Amidst this chaos and confusion the Druids Dalan and Sorch seek the mystical Draoi song, possibly Innisfail's only hope of undoing the Watchers' evil influence.
Takeshi Kovacs (of ALTERED CARBON) is back, fifty years on and in a new body and embroiled in a filthy little war on the planet Sanction IV. Recommended.
The Econo-War stories, collected into a continuous novel-length narrative. The galaxy, united by FTL travel, is divided into two battling factions who contend for dominance by economic maneuvering. Only one thing can avert an outbreak of violence: a talisman of great power lost for millenia on a minor world called Earth.
Poldarn, pursued by invisible enemies, haunted by demons of his past, has at last discovered the truth of his terrifying origins - and that may be more than he can bear.
Ellison, Lee, Le Guin, McCaffrey and Silverberg are among the writers whose work is included in the best dragon stories of all time.
Sequel to IN LEGEND BORN, appearing in two parts. As rebellion sweeps the land, Tansen and his allies have no easy choices, for death chooses no favourites, and the cost of freedom is more than eternal vigilance. In this violence-torn land, the cost is always personal, and heart-wrenching.
Rev. Merrily Watkins, exorcist for the Diocese of Hereford, has helped police find the home of the killer of several young women. Then her musician boyfriend Loi follows an unexpected path into the mind of the confessed murderer, while Merrily must quell her own revulsion in scrubbing away the psychic stain left by a dead monster.
The only thing standing against the ravening Posleen hordes is the 555th Mobile Infantry. Dropped into Rabun Pass, with millions of Posleen behind and millions to the front, the 555th must rely on SheVa Nine, nicknamed 'Bun-Bun' - a new weapon capable of dealing out hell to both the Posleen and their space-cruisers.
The universe's last criminal is hired to depopulate a planet - a crime that will tear apart the interstellar utopia. Keeping ahead of detection and preparing the crime, the killer voyages to numerous worlds to hone the instinct required for murder. And wonders who is behind the contract.
From the author of SALT. Tighe lives on the World. It towers above his village and falls away below it. It is vast and unforgiving and it is everything they know.
The Augmented are forged not born, yet human beneath their vast and complex biotechnological bodies which allow them to live deep in oceans and outer space. When a new, Earth-like planet is found the Augmented claim it. After all, the aliens who once lived there seem to have followed the same path of self-improvement. Allegedly.
Series conclusion. From his ill-gotten throne in Ursal, Pony's son Aydrian attempts to conquer the entire world of Corona. As armies clash and plots unfold, darkness spreads across the land, and only the gemstone-bearing Pony can hope to free her son from the grip of evil.
Brynn Dharielle sets out with her trusted elven mentor for her homeland, Behren. Her mission is to liberate the land where she once saw her parents murdered.
Last year's best fantasy stories are collected.
Ukiah Oregon, the half-human, half-alien tracker of ALIEN TASTE and TAINTED TRAIL, must put his skills to the ultimate test - because kidnappers have taken his son.
When an asteroid crashed into Earth in the 21st century, civilization was nearly obliterated. But a wasted world is coming alive again, and holds promise for young orphan Disme Latimer. Now Disme is destined to find a truth that will bring her face-to-face with unimaginable evil.
Elijah Pike, the vampire hematologist, left master vampire Michael Morpheus licking his wounds (insert your vampire wound licking joke here) after their encounter in the Louisiana Bayou. Now he has gathered an army of evil for their next confrontation in the frozen wilderness of the Canadian Rockies.
Sequel to SENTRY PEAK. Joseph the Gamecock and his troops, with their deadly repeating crossbows and wizards wielding sorcerous lightning, are determined to hold Peachtree Province against the loyalist troops of the South. Still the very survival of Detina as one united realm is at stake, and King Avram's forces have no choice but to attack, no matter what the odds, no matter how desperate the situation.
Fourth in the series begun with INTO THE DARKNESS. The war for control of the continent of Derlavai continues as the mages of Kuusamo, aided by their former rivals from Lagoas, work desperately to create a newer form of magic that will change the course of the war.
Sequel to the Hugo-winning SNOW QUEEN. Moon, the gentle 17- year-old successor to the Snow Queen as ruler of Tiamat, is now known as the Summer Queen. She is finding that to save her universe she must be more than a queen--she must be a goddess. Recommended.
The country of Ile-Rien has been surrounded by a mysterious army known only as the Gardier, attacking in ominous black airships. Ile-Rien's sorcerers have created a magical sphere to repel the faceless enemy, but it is unreliable. As the peril mounts, a magical spell goes disastrously awry and Ile-Rien's noble young Tremain Valiarde is transported, along with a brave band of companions, to another world. There they find the enemy already present.
The Sector General novels CODE BLUE: EMERGENCY and THE GENOCIDAL HEALER in a single volume.
Standalone contemporary fantasy set in Northern California. Theo Vilmos is a 30-year-old lead singer in an unsuccessful rock band. He seeks refuge in an isolated cabin in the woods and discovers a memoir written by a dead relative that draws him into the magical world of Faerie.
To celebrate DAW's 30th anniversary two special commemorative anthologies are being issued. In the science fiction volume you will stories from Cherryh, Tad Williams, Aldiss, Pohl, C. S. Friedman, Kate Elliot and Czerneda. The stories are new, original, for this volume only.
To celebrate DAW's 30th anniversary two special commemorative anthologies are being issued. In the fantasy volume you will stories from Norton, Rawn, Lackey, Roberson, Huff, Reichert and Tanith Lee. The stories are new, original, for this volume only.
Novella. Britain and Europe 40 years hence. Better times seem, as always, to be on the way, but a subversive group calling themselves the Insanatics is sending out doleful messages to worry and provoke the population. However, life goes on as usual - except for the crew of an expedition to another planet. But the less said about that, the better.
There are three known intelligent races. However, one of them, the Klikiss, seems to have disappeared, leaving behind a planet full of artifacts and remarkable technology. Humans begin to make use of this technology, in particular a device that turns useless planets into small suns. But when the device is used for the first time, it awakens the wrath of a previously unsuspected fourth race, the Hydrogues, and a galaxy-spanning war that threatens all life begins.
Ryan and his warrior group challenge a wandering death merchant and his army of circus freaks.
Sequel to THE DUKE OF URANIUM and A PRINCESS OF THE AERIE. Jak Jinnaka is now a consular on Phobos and on duty when one of the ancient tribes of Mars discovers an explosive, 700-year-old diary written by the founder of the Wager, the religion followed by almost everyone in the solar system. It is up to him to get the diary, prevent war, stay alive, and see that the Hive gets the credit - all before his boss gets back from vacation.
Young Bar-Woten is in search of knowledge, and he knows the key to the truth about his homeland on the planet Hegira is contained in the writings of the Obelisks. With his fellow companions he must travel through the planet's exotic cities to discover the lies within the words of thousands.
A scientist clones a child from ancient cells found on the Shroud of Turin, setting in motion forces that trigger worldwide cataclysms.
Guinvere, portrayed as warrior queen of England.
The fundamentalist political regimes that rule Earth have encouraged their most incorrigible dissidents to make a one-way trip to Saturn on the great Space Habitat Goddard. It is little surprise that many of these individuals have long-term schemes, each waiting his moment. But hidden to them all is the real purpose of the expedition.
Sequel to THE PRECIPICE. Visionary industrialist Dan Randolph is dead, but his protege, pilot Pancho Barnes, now sits on the board of his conglomerate. Randolph's rival Martin Humphries still wants to control Astro and drive independent asteroid minors like Lars Fuchs out of business. Humphries wants revenge against Pancho - and, most of all, he wants his old flame Amanda, who has become Lars Fuchs's wife.
Wycherly Musgrave is afraid that in a drunken rage he may have murdered a young woman. He finds himself strangely attracted to Sinah, an actress whose ability to read minds has made her a star and who fears her own identity is drowning under the characters she's played. Above these people looms a ruined sanatorium, a vortex of evil psychic power.
During the lawless, war-torn era of The Hundred Kingdoms a legendary friendship is forged between King and Keeper which will ultimately bring about the end of all long-distance weapons and the beginnng of a new destiny for Darkover.
Colin MacLaren returns from post-WWII Europe to a changed America. The great evil of Nazism is gone, but Colin finds that occult forces continue to battle the American psyche.
To prove his worthiness as the Chosen One, Devlin of Duncaer must return to the land of his birth - back to the people who have denounced and exiled him - to find the mythical Sword of Light.
Imperial Auditor Miles Vorkosigan is sent to troubleshoot a mess on Graf Station in distant Quaddiespace. A rich Komarran merchant fleet has been impounded after a bloody incident on the station docks involving a security officer from the convoy's Barrayaran escort.
When he first dreamed of riding a dragon to war, Hal Keilas was laughed at. But he and his comrades unleashed the power of the dragons and vanquished their enemies. But now Hal finds himself pitted against a foe that even the dragons may not be able to destroy.
Peter Wiggin, Ender's older, more ruthless brother has a plan to restore Earth's unity and purpose. With Bean at his side and an irresistable hold on the loyalty of Earth's young warriors, he will reshape the future.
Four novellas set in China Mieville's brooding, scarred and gothic city of New Crobuzon: one each from Mieville, di Filippo, Moorcock and Ryman.
A 48 page children's book, text by de Lint, art by Vess.
200 millenia in the past a group of children are cut off from their Kin and forced to make a journey in search of a new good place to live. Their epic struggle to understand themselves, other Kin, and the landscapes they encounter, is told from four different points of view
The summer is over - but not the war between the Magickers and the Dark Hand. Jason and his Magicker friends struggle to master their talents - while keeping their unique skills a secret from their non-Magicker friends, families - and foes. Jason has just learned that his own talent is his ability to find and open the Gates between worlds. But this power is sure to make him a primary target of the Dark Hand.
Lucifer can be readmitted to heaven if he can live out a human life. He decides to try out a summer holiday in a human body. He takes the body of Declan Gunn, a depressed writer, mid-suicide. As he tries to re-write the Bible from his own point of view, he slowly begins to learn what it's like to be us.
Graphic novel adaptations of the Boy and his Dog stories, plus additional stories from Ellison and sketchbook material from Corben.
Myrh is half-man, half-cat and traveling the galaxy with the Terrin, a twisted wizard who is into techno-raves and obscene T-shirt art. Displaced from Earth by a travel spell gone bad, they're trying to make their way back. But on their latest stop all magic has vanished, along with nearly all the magicians, a catastrophe linked to the black fog that rolls in nightly.
John Taylor is not a private detective per se, but he has a knack for finding lost things. That's why he's been hired to descend into the Nightside, an otherworldly realm in the centre of London where fantasy and reality share renting space and the sun never shines.
Set in an alternate future where the Ottoman Empire still exists. Ashraf Bey, now in El Iskandriya, has yet to meet his father Moncef, Emir of Tunis, but now it may be too late. Moncef is said to be on the edge of death after an assassination attempt.
Ashraf Bey is a fugitive from US justice (definitely), son of the Emir of Tunis (possibly), and chief of detectives in the El Iskandriyan police force (apparently). His ex-fiancee Zara still doesn't want to see him and his 9-year-old niece is busy doing things with computers that are stricly illegal. Now the city suddenly starts to fall apart and Zara's father is accused of mass-murder. Recommended.
A STAINLESS STEEL RAT IS BORN, THE STAINLESS STEEL RAT GETS DRAFTED, and THE STAINLESS STEEL RAT SINGS THE BLUES in a single volume. Slippery Jim DiGriz, the galaxy's greatest thief and con artist outfoxes the best of them in three adventures.
The best stories of 2002.
Fantasy and intrigue in an alternate, medieval Japan. The Tales of Otori begin with the legend of a famous floor in a black-walled fortress, a floor that sings a nightingale warning of assassins at each trespasser's step. It will take true courage and all the skills of an ancient Tribe for one orphaned youth named Takeo to discover the magical destiny that awaits him on the other side of that floor.
Sequel to THE CRADLE OF SATURN. Earth is devastated after a near miss by a white-hot protoplanet, civilization as we know it has ended and the survivors are reverting to barbarism. Only the Kronian colony on Saturn's moons preserves technology and human culture. Landen Keene, a key figure in Kronian efforts to rebuild Earth's civilization, learns that other suvivors from Earth miss the power they once wielded and are bent on restoring the old privileges and hierarchy, with themselves on top. [Previously announced for Jan].
Special price hardcover. Three young people from different worlds meet in one and travel to a myriad of others in an attempt to unseat the false Merlin of Blest. They are just discovering their own powers when they band together to search for clues - both from their own families and from antiquity - to help them against the fanatical conspiracy that threatens to engulf all of the magic in the multiverse. Recommended.
Glass artisan Rani's loyalty to the Glasswright Fellowship is tested when she's asked to kill the Morenian Queen.
It is up to Fianne, daughter of Niamh - the lost sister of the Sevenwaters clan - to solve the riddles of power. This shy child of a reclusive sorceror must battle her grandmother, the wicked sorceress Oonagh, who seeks to destroy everything that the Sevenwaters have strived for.
Begins a new series. The Viking brothers Eyvind and Ulf learn of a magical place across the sea where men with courage could go to conquer a land and earn glory. Eyvind finds young Nessa, seer and princess, and his life changes forever. But he also finds a blood oath that might just doom him to kill the only thing he has ever loved.
Magical tales from the world-fantasy winning author.
Every winter researcher Nathan Quinn plies the warm waters off Hawaii to find the reason that humpback whales sing. When he sees the words "Bite Me" scrawled across a whale's tail, an adventure begins that involves age-old conspiracy, top-level military secrets, a highly evolved super race with a penchant for baked goods, the source of all life on the planet, and a megalomaniac undersea ruler.
Sequel to ARCHANGEL PROTOCOL (winner of the Shamus Award) and FALLEN HOST. Technology and salvation. AIs and archangels, prophets and criminal masterminds face the final day of reckoning. Recommended.
Sequel to RED MOON RISING and MALACHI'S MOON. The final, fateful struggle of man torn between his human longing and his vampiric cravings could lead to the extinction of all vampires.
Three centuries ago, the unspeakable ravages of a devastating war nearly tore apart the kingdom of Eutracia. Those who masterminded the bloodshed - a quartet of powerful, conquest-hungry sorceresses - were sentenced to exile, but their unspeakable evil returns when the country is about to crown a new king. Recommended.
Aljan, a prince of the unicorns, persuades his powerful father Korr to let him join a pilgrimage of initiate warriors. But his curiosity soon lands him, his friend Dagg and their teacher, the female warrior Tek, into a host of predicaments. His hairbreadth escapes from danger soon persuade him that destiny is preparing him for a greater struggle.
Conclusion of the series: Aljan finds a way home to the unicorn ancestral home, there to make a choice: should he renounce his beloved Tek and tribe and go into exile, or stay to confront the truth of the secret that drove his father mad.
Aljan, warrior prince of the unicrons, is taken in by humans. He is horrified to find horses enslaved in their cities, but he takes away with him the secret of fire when he escapes with a friendly mare.
Mercedes Lackey, Kathryn Rusch, Jennifer Roberson, Laura Resnick and other women sf writers take up the challenge of envisioning the future as men would see it.
Many millenia ago the Inhibitors seeded the universe with machines designed to detect and suppress life, but after hundreds of millions of years the machines started to fail and intelligent cultures emerged. Then Dr. Dan Sylveste and the crew of 'Infinity' discovered what might have happened to the Amarintin race - and might have wakened one of the Inhibitors. Recommended.
In the 14th century, the Plague wiped out one third of Europe. But in Robinson's universe, the Plague kills 99% of Europe's people. It is a world where China discovers the New World and begins the Industrial Revolution, India is its rival, and a World War between them could destroy all... Recommended.
Kethol, Pirojil and Erenor, loyal retainers to Jason Cullianane, must pull off a complicated scheme that could kill them all - or land them in positions of supreme power.
To be released June 21st: the new Harry Potter novel!
After years of bitter enmity, the battle for power between the Renne and the Wills families has reached a fever point. Fleeing a forced marriage, young Elise Wills has made a desperate bargain with a dark river spirit to save her own life. It is left to the wanderer Alaan, together with a band of brave companions, to find Elise - even as the dark knight Hafydd hunts Alaan for the secrets he possesses.
Through genetic 'blending' any woman could share Cleopatra's secrets, her wiles, and her way with men. First, though, her genetic material must be found, and forensic anthropologist Led Hubbard jumps at the chance to find the queen's final resting place.
18th century Europe: It is an age when superstition is beginning to give way before the dawn of human reason, and no man so fully embodies the spirit of the times as Dr. Erasmus Darwin. And when the renowned Dr. Darwin is called upon to heal a man dying of an ailment that seems impossible, he has no idea that it is the beginning of a quest that will lead him to the darkest corners of Europe, and a stunning encounter with the most famous inhabitant of a certain Scottish loch. A re-write of the 1982 novel ERASMUS MAGISTER.
An alternate history in which Rome survives and flourishes into the 21st century and ultimately to the "Great Exodus" as an intrepid band of Hebrews attempts to escape the early oppression of Roman rule and journey to a new Eden on a distant planet.
Sequel to ONE FOOT IN THE GRAVE. After dark the dead are turning up on the doorstep of Chris Csejithe asking for justice, and the police want to know where all those corpses are coming from. Undead terrorists are testing a doomsday virus on his new hometown and he's caught in the crossfire between a white supremacist militia and the resurrected Civil War dead.
Blond, all-American beauty Eve is invited to join the exclusive Fata Morgana sorority at Greenbriar University. But she discovers that behind the facade of female bonding is a secret world of black magic, sexual depravity and murder.
Young adult historical fiction set in 9th century Britain. Athelflaed is King Alfred's daughter and eldest child. She must use all the political and military knowledge she has gathered in her short life if she is to make her way successfully to Mercia for her betrothal to Ethelred.
Four novellas, one each from William J. Mann, Michael Thomas Ford, Sean Wolfe, and Jeff Mann.
For ages dragons have not interfered in the ways of humans, their wrath held at bay by the Amazonian order of priestesses and their mysterious Mistress of Dragons. But now the order has come undone, violated by men, and a mad scramble of intrigue, magic and lineage ensues - revealing the dark secret behind the arcane Parliament of Dragons.
Derek Secrest is pulled out of Naval flight officer school because of his latent psi powers. Soon he finds himself allied with extradimensional beings with great powers, sometimes called gods, against other such beings, sometimes called titans.
Bridget Lederle is coaxed by a stranger to leave her home on Lake Superior and is transported to the dazzling but dangerous world of Isavalta. As she discovers that she has power here, but lacks the knowledge of how to release it, Bridget must somehow avoid the 'help' of the Dowager Empress.
The Starfleet Corps of Engineers, led by former Enterprise engineer Commander Sonya Gomez, face their most challenging missions yet aboard the USS da Vinci in this collection of new adventures.
The background of a key charcter from the War of Souls is explored.
Continues the adventures of the elf Liriel Baenre and her companion Fyodor as they navigate the surface world.
The Master Chief, his cruiser's AI concealed in his battle armour, leads his meagre troops in a desperate race against the brutal enemy to unravel Halo's darkest mystery - and unleash its greatest source of power.
Klingon General Martok and Worf, at Martok's side as Federation ambassador, return to the Klingon world after the Dominion War only to face rebellion and civil war. Soon the demons of Martok's past rise up, as does an usurper to the Imperial Throne.
An extraordinary collection of five X-Men stories, one for each decade, from Ordover, Fisch, Deja, Greenberg and Robins.
Hank McCoy, the X-Men's Beast, works to find a cure for the deadly Legacy Virus that's sweeping through the world's mutant population. Also seeking a cure is Sebastian Shaw, the Black King of the dread Hellfire Club, who's using the vast resources of his sinister secret organization.
When asked to honour an ancient debt, Captain Uriel Ventris and the Warriors of Ultramar find themselves standing shoulder to shoulder with brother Marines and local Guard units defending a vital industrial system from the tyranids, who take no prisoners and show no mercy.
The ape colony sends scouts into the unknown land beyond, but by venturing forward, they encroach on ground inahbited by monstrous reptilians. However, another foe lurks in the shadows: Man.
Now in paperback - based on the screenplay and story of the film that continues the story of Anakin Skywalker, the Jedi who will become Darth Vader.
Sarah and John Connors continue the battle to save the future of humanity. Hidden in a top-secret government military base, the computer network Skynet is about to go on-line. And this time, even the Connors may not be able to prevent the war between man and machine.
With the planet Mirach now experiencing civil unrest, peace becomes unlikely. Governor Ortega is at odds with several powers - including his two sons, both aspiring MechWarriors who believe only a hard-won battle can save the planet.
The future war between the human Resistance and the forces of Skynet takes an unusual twist as Terminators from an alternate timeline invade the world of John Connor and his mother while another cyborg has travelled across dimensions to protect John.
The sensual followers of Slaanesh, Lord of Pleasure, mix it up with some brutish barbarians for a wild 41st millenium bloodbath.
Tie-in to the new feature film based on the Marvel comic book. A lab accident exposes Bruce Banner to radiation that should have killed him. Instead, when provoked to anger, he turns into the Hulk.
Kerraii, an accomplished assassin from the group of Elves known as the Necropolis Sect, has been imprisoned by the Atlanteans as a Magestone miner. While struggling to hide her true identity, she discovers a secret that could free her the control of the Death Speaker. But can she escape her slavery to plot her revenge?
Ousted chancellor Martok and his ragtag band of followers embark on a desperate attempt to take back the Klingon Empire from an usurper. But he is dealt the most crushing blow of all, forcing him to make his final stand on the ice-strewn cliffs of sacred Boreth.
7th in the Gotrek and Felix WARHAMMER series. With the aid of a High Elf mage the pair attempt to decipher the mysteries of the Old Ones so that they can battle the great evil growing on the island of Albion.
Sarah Ythlim, head of the Black Powder Rebels, plots to introduce gunpowder into her fight against the floating city of Atlantis, sustained by magical gems extracted from the earth by human and dwarven slaves. Blaize, an elite Atlantean Guardsman, has infiltrated the group as a spy, but must now decide where his allegiances lie.
First of a three book series of two rival families struggling for dominance in the Twilight Zone. Geistadt, New York is the home to Thomas Noir, the thirteenth son of a thirteenth son who seeks power in all forms, be it physical, financial or magical.
Centuries before the first Cataclysm sunders Ansalon, two imperial dynasties struggle for supreme power. Brutal warlords jockey for power, while corrupt wizards sell their powers to the highest bidder. Unnatural monsters prey on the unwary. Amidst this chaos a brave young peasant shakes the towers of the mighty as his fate and the destiny of Krynn collide.
Captain Gold must confront an old friend who has turned terrorist. And Dr. Elizabeth Lense must put aside the horrors she faced in the Dominion War to find a cure for a plague on Sherman's Planet before that world's entire population - and the crew of the Da Vinci perish.
Luke and the Jedi are searching the Unknown Regions for Zonoma Sekot, the planet that may hold the key to dealing with the Yuuzhan Vong. Meanwhile Han and Leia are trying to knit the unraveling galaxy back together in the face of betrayal and deception.
Tie-in to the opening episode of the series. In the mid-22nd century interstellar travel is in its infancy and the formation of the Federation is still decades away. It is during this era that Captain Jonathan Archer and his valiant crew lead the Starship Enterprise on a pioneering voyage of deep space exploration.
Beautiful rogue super-soldier Max return for more action, telling the stories the TV series never had the chance to tell.
Duchess Tara Campbell and MechWarrior Paladin Ezekial Crow struggle to save the planet of Northwind from the invading faction of Steel Wolves.
Short stories and novellas.
Bored with teaching at Starfleet Academy, Kirk jumps at the chance to help his young nephews colonize a planet in the Alpha Quadrant, and persuades Scotty and Chekhov to come along. But the supposedly uninhabited planet harbours an alien threat to the entire Federation.
Voyager's return home after 7 years in the Delta Quadrant brings the crew new challenges. As they go their separate ways, a mysterious cybernetic plague strikes Earth, transforming innocent people into an entirely new generation of Borg. The Voyager may be to blame.
Tie-in to the new film. John Connor, the hope of humanity, is being hunted by a more advanced model Terminator, back from the deadly future. He has a secret edge, but he doesn't know it.
Novel featuring battlefield scavenger and mercenary Angelika Fleischer.
A scientist has created something that can move even faster than Wally West, the Flash. And it is killing people in Keystone City.
The best of STAR TREK stories - all generations - written by fans for fans.
While Sarah and John Connor and ex-counter-terroist agent Dieter von Rossbach are hiding out in Alaska, the U. S. government announces it is putting control of all its armed forced under the command of a brand-new AI named Skynet. Soon the nuclear fallout begins and a brave band of resistance fighters, led by John Connor, starts the long fight.
First of six novels set during the Clone Wars, a story of war and loyalty, ideals and sacrifice, featuring the Jedi Master Mace Windu.
When dark forces rise in the City of Night, Naseru, "The Anvil", must act swiftly. To save his beloved empire he must learn to wield the most unlikely weapon of all - justice.