hc = hardcover, tp = trade (oversized) paperback, [UK ed] = British publication, [CDN ed] = Canadian publication. Default is US publication.
Please note that this listing is not exhaustive; we have many more (several hundred more) titles coming during this period.
A latina Ivy League grad falls ill, bitten while being kissed. She squirreled away to the man's family estate to recover. As Milagro falls for a fabulously inappropriate man, she finds herself caught between a family who has accepted her as one of their own and a shady organization that refuses to let the undead live and love in peace.
The Ildiran Mage-Imperator, Jora'h, is forced into a devil's bargain with the evil hydrogues in order to save his race. Now forces collide in a fury that will destroy the landscape of the Spiral Arm as gypsy Roamer clans and the green priests of the worldforest discover innovative ways to rebel.
Annja Creed, an archaeologist who travels around the world unearthing relics, legends, and mysteries of the past, is in France investigating the legend of the Beast of Gevaudan, whe she makes a startling discovery.
Mel Dawnfield finds her powers aren't enough to halt a burgeoning rebellion within her husband's fledgling realm. Dare she forge her spells into weapons? Her magic might transform the brutality of war into the birth pangs of a peaceful empire - or prove the deathblow for her world.
The consort of the Un-Named One, Lilith has been called up from the seventh level to set affairs in order. An evil force beyond recognition, Damali's new nemesis literally brings men to their knees. Even Carlos Rivera is reluctant to tangle with the she-devil. Lilith has been given the power and authority to open the portals of Hell. Her goal: to wipe out Damali and the Guardian squad.
The chairman of the Vampire Council is dead and Lilith, consort of the Unnamed One, along with the Unnamed One himself, are out for revenge against Damali Richards and her lover Carlos Rivera. A carefully orchestrated plan is in motion that will bring back the one entity that Damali, Carlos and the Guardian team cannot best.
Vancouver author. The Northline Railroad carries nothing but refuse, collected from every corner of the continent, transporting it in remote-controlled, 30-mile-long super-trains. Satellite controlled, the trains race at upwards of a hundred miles an hour to enormous dumpsites in the northern territories - the tundra, the arctic regions of what was originally Canada - which have now become a combination of new states and regional districts merged with the USA. The right-of-way is a toxin-saturated strip of land that no one works or lives near by choice.
Spellbound by the Faerie Queen, the woman known as the Seeker has been abducting children for nearly an eternity. Now her target is a Merlin, a being of limitless magic. Rival mages are also vying for the favour of the Merlin to tip the balance of power. Seeker must persuade Merlin to join with her - or risk losing something more precious to her than the fate of humanity.
Vampire Richard Dunn (of HIS FATHER'S SON and KEEPER OF THE KING), once known as Lancelot, faces Charon, an old enemy from his past. Charon has acquired new powers that are anninhilating the nebulous Otherside. Unless balance is restored, Realside too will be destroyed. Dunn musters allies from the Yucatan to Glastonbury to do battle.
A great evil is raised in the land of Elynnrie - reaching out from the distant past to shatter the lives of all it touches. It is forcing a haunted former mercenary to take up the sword again, thrusting a young student of magic into the role of uncertain wizard, and pitting blood brothers against one another in mortal combat.
The Alliance has been fighting the Syndic for a century - and losing badly. Now its fleet is crippled and stranded in enemy territory. Their only hope is Captain John "Black Jack" Geary - a man who has emerged from a century-long hibernation to find he has been heroically idealized beyond belief. Now, he must live up to his own legend.
Mack Street was born too soon, abandoned by an unknown mother in a Los Angeles park. It was a miracle he survived - and a miracle that he reached his teen years too, the way he'd every once in a while just freeze and stare off into space. What his foster mother and their neighbours never realized was that Mack was seeing dreams - other people's dreams.
Satoris's followers capture the beautiful Elvish princess Cerelinde, and without her the Allies cannot fulfill the prophecy. All who support Satoris clamour for her death - but Satoris refuses to act like the monster that he is made out to be, for he recognizes in Cerelinde a spark of the love that he once bore for his fellow gods. She is a great danger to Satoris - and a greater danger for Tanaros and all that he holds dear. For she reminds him that not all women need be false... and that though he may be immune to death, his heart is still very much mortal.
Sean Mulcahy disappears on the Western Front during World War I. When he shows up 30 years later, delirious but not a day older, his best friend Vince and his wife Maggie hit the streets of Hell's Kitchen, seeking answers. But others are on the same trail, and something terrible is lurking in the dark alleys and dirty corners of the West Side.
When the ambitious Kchula-Tzaatz makes a bid for ultimate power, the flames of war burn hot again. The battle-hardened warrior Major Tskombe is forced to choose between love and loyalty. The starship commander Captain Cherenkova must survive trapped alone in the jungles of Kzinhome. And Pouncer, heir to the empire, is reduced to a nameless fugitive with the collapse of his father's destiny.
Civil war has broken out among the Menteshe, distracting them from guarding the Scepter. As King Grus fights his way to the citadel that holds the sacred talisman, King Lanius executes a daring secret plan to capture the Scepter. But their worst nightmares are about to come true - for the Banished One is aware of their every move.
Spanning 3 centuries, three separate strands are interwoven into one tale: the stories of a lost novel by Lord Byron, the daughter who tried to save it, and the woman who discovered her secret.
An anthology of original short speculative fiction, including fantasy, science fiction, and horror, where each story is derived from a Canadian song, folktale, myth, or other cultural source. Excerpts of the source text or image appear in the book with each story, along with a brief description of how the author was inspired by it.
The young alien Tink Puddah finds himself alone, stranded in the Adirondack Mountains, when his parents are killed on their first day on Earth in the year 1845. The holy man Jacob Piersol is determined to save Tink's soul, but is tortured by his own past and the God who seems unable to console him.
The annual round-up of the best in Science Fiction.
A technological war is fought with product demos, press releases, and sales pitches.
Having only just survived a disastrous encounter with their sworn enemy, the Tsurani, Dennis Hartraft's Marauders are headed for a frontier garrison, where they hope to rest and recover. But they arrive at the same time as a Tsurani patrol, and both sides discover the stronghold overrun by a migrating horde of dark elves called moredhel, a foe so deadly and vicious the bitter enemies must band together and fight as one. But can their hatred for their mutual enemy overcome their distrust of each other?
DI Jack Spratt and DS Mary Mary, fresh from their disgrace in the Red Riding Hood case, are working Missing Persons until a chance leads them onto the hunt for missing journalist Henrietta 'Goldy' Hatchett, star reporter for the Daily Mole. The last witnesses to see her alive were The Three Bears...
Now a mystical fire has burned away the male body known as Prince Tobin, revealing Princess Tamir, a girl on the verge of womanhood - and a queen ready to claim her birthright after a life in disguise under the protection of wizards and witches. But will her people, her army - and the friends she was forced to deceive - accept her? Worse, will the crown's rival heir, friend to Tobin, turn foe to Tamir, igniting civil war in a fierce battle for Skala?
Possessing universe-level social skills, Marcus Walker has become the leader of his own armada. Yet even a fleet commander is hard pressed to find a piece of space that no one's ever heard of, much less cares to find. To make matters worse, it seems the Vilenjji are proving to be notoriously sore losers. Even if Walker does pull off the impossible and pinpoint his needle of a solar system in the universe haystack, there's a good chance that the unrelenting Vilenjji will get to him before he ever gets back to Chicago.
The non-human population of Manhattan is getting fed up with being ignored and abused. The Council has an agenda of its own, and it's not one the lonejacks are going to like. And Sergei is far too involved with the Silence, his former employers, for Wren's liking.
If Kahlan is to survive she must find out why she is such a central figure in the war-torn world swirling around her. Yet she has learned that if she ever were to unlock the truth of her lost identity, then evil itself would finally possess her.
The lure of vampire politics begins to pale for federal marshal/vampire hunter Anita Blake as she gets caught up in that ancient, ordinary dread shared by women down the ages: she may be pregnant.
The mortal lover who abandoned Cincinnati witch/bounty hunter Rachel Morgan has now returned, haunted by his secret past. And there are those who covet what Nick possesses - savage beasts willing to destroy the Hollows and everyone in it if necessary.
Space opera, both as it was in the days of the pulps - and as it has become in 2005. Included are major works from genre progenitors like Jack Williamson and Leigh Brackett, stylish midcentury voices like Cordwainer Smith and Samuel R. Delany, popular favorites like David Drake, Lois McMaster Bujold, and Ursula K. Le Guin, and modern-day pioneers such as Iain M. Banks, Stephen Baxter, Scott Westerfeld, and Charles Stross.
An examination of some of science's own untouchable dogmas, including Darwinism, global warming, the big bang, flaws in relativity, radon, the cause of AIDS and Velikovsky.
BLOOD TRAIL and BLOOD PRICE in a single volume.
Winner of the British Fantasy Award - first time in pocketbook. Tom Webster travels to Jerusalem in search of a friend from his college days but meets a mysterious old woman who delivers messages that seem beyond comprehension. Then a fragment of the Dead Sea Scrolls, kept hidden by an elderly innkeeper, appears to offer the key to understanding the woman's pronouncements. Perhaps the spirit of Mary Magdelene is trying to reveal to Tom the hidden history of the Resurrection. And perhaps the truth is even stranger.
Neb is left an orphan by the cholera epidemic that ravaged the city of TrevHael. Sent to a desolate farm of his last living relative he soon learns about the savage Horsekin tribes that are raiding the villages and taking slaves. Spurred on by their new goddess Alshandra, they plan to destroy the nomadic Westfold and the Deverrian farmers both.
Anthology of graphic short stories by the top artists in the field.
Vestakia, the half-human, half-Demon healer, finds that she can read the mind of her Demon father, Crown Prince Zyperis. The Demon Queen, Savilla, is preparing a great sacrifice that will summon He Who Is back to the world and make her the ultimate ruler forever. When Wild Mage Idalia learns of Savilla's plans, she knows there is only one way to prevent the coming of He Who Is. A very different sort of sacrifice must be made.
As the beautiful illusionist Flame succumbs to the dark spell that taints her soul, the physician Kelwyn Gilfeather discovers that the only way to cure her may be to destroy all magic and change the Isles of Glory forever.
Young newlywed Pamela certainly wasn't expecting to be abuducted by Rodney, who'd been obsessed with her since high school. But Rodney broke in, snatched her, and drove her off to the blazing desert. And Rodney certainly wasn't expecting someone else to be out there, or - if he was - that he'd be armed or - if he was - that he'd shoot him. Pamela hoped that would be that, but there was something about her rescuer that wasn't quite right. Maybe it was the way he dropped Rodney into a pit - almost as if he'd done it before. She certainly wasn't expecting...
Paramedic Dia Courvant, dispatched to the scene of a terrible car accident, rescues the sole survivor - only to find her own husband dead in the wreckage. Now, four years later, a series of deadly car crashes has brought handsome detective Brig Hafferty into Dia's life. She's drawn to Brig, but can she trust him enough to tell him of the terror that stalks her? For Dia has received a message warning her of danger and death - a message that seems to have been sent to her from beyond the grave.
From hags and harpies to sorceresses and sirens, this volume features twenty all-new tales that prove women are far from the weaker sex - in all their alluring, magical, and monstrous roles, including stories from Rosemary Edghill, Laura Resnick, and Jean Rabe.
Clairvoyant investigator Dean Campbell is sent by the Dirk & Steele Detective Agency to Taipei to look into a series of murders. Dean soon becomes embroiled in an ancient game of immortals - a game in which he and the stunning Mirabelle Lee are both players and prizes.
The authoritative guide to Brian Lumley's work. It belongs on your Lumley shelf - shelves, rather - next to his complete works. You can throw away all those handwritten notes, concordances and bibliographies you've compiled over the years. It's all here.
The thief Locke Lamora is neither a brilliant swordsman nor a true friend to the poor. He'd prefer to rely on his wits and the poor can steal their own money. Recommended.
[Canadian author]. Max Ravenhill was happy with his life as a history professor - until he met Cassandra. Told he was more than a thousand years old and that "Max" was just a construct, an implant in his mind, he learns that he is in danger and that his only hope for survival is to flee to Faerie.
Lukien, Bronze Knight of Liiria, consumed with guilt over his betrayal of his king, must find the hidden sword of Angels to defeat the Devil's Armor.
Duke and Earl are just passing through Rockwood County in their pick-up truck when they stop at the Diner for a quick bite to eat. They aren't planning to stick around-until Loretta, the eatery's owner, offers them $100 to take care of her zombie problem. Given that Duke is a werewolf and Earl's a vampire, this looks right up their alley. But the shambling dead are just the tip of a particularly spiky iceberg. Seems someone's out to drive Loretta from the Diner, and more than willing to raise a little Hell on Earth if that's what it takes. Before Duke and Earl get to the bottom of the Diner's troubles, they'll run into such otherworldly complications as undead cattle, an amorous ghost, a jailbait sorceress, and the terrifying occult power of pig-latin.
The house, abandoned for years and in shambles, conceals something imprisoned in a maze of underground rooms. Naturally, that thing is getting a bit peckish. It could eat a whole Laura Craig, if the new owner would just open up that boarded up well in the rooms under the cellar.
Khorii, daughter of the famous Acorna, is on a trip to visit family when she finds a derelict spaceship. A mysterious and lethal plague is sweeping the universe. It is only the first stage in an enemy's attack on the Linyaari and other planets, and Khorii is one of the few unaffected by the virus.
The dragons of Pern are dying - and the only person who can help them has been dead for 400 turns. Hope for the grieving dragonriders lies in the lyrics of a heartrending ballad. Only one thing seems crystal clear - to save the dragons, one young woman must make the ultimate sacrifice.
Sequel to MYRREN'S GIFT. Wyl Thirsk, cursed by sorcery, has seen his best friend slain, his sister tortured and his mentor sent to certain death - all by his sovereign, the cruel and manipulative King Celimus. Wyl is trapped in the body of a hired assassin, unable to help the woman he loves avoid a marriage Celismus has arranged. But before he can do anything, he must find the Manwitch. Recommended.
Melusine - a city of secrets and lies, pleasure and pain, magic and corruption, and destinies lost and found. Felix Harrowgate is a dashing, highly respected wizard. But the horrors of his past as an abused slave have returned, and threaten to destroy all he has since become. As a cat burglar, Mildmay the Fox is used to being hunted. But now he has been caught by a wizard. And yet the wizard was looking not for Mildmay, but for Felix Harrowgate. Recommended.
Felix Harrowgate, once a powerful wizard, lost his magic when his former master wrest it away from him. His power was then used to shatter the Virtu, the keystone that exists for the protection and magic of the wizards. Felix's only chance now is somehow to restore the Virtu.
A clone and member of the space-faring Syndicates, Arkady has defected to Israel with a hot commodity: a genetic weapon powerful enough to wipe out humanity. But Israel's not buying it. They're selling it - and Arkady - to the highest bidder. The Artificial Life Emancipation Front sends in Major Catherine Li. Drummed out of the Peacekeepers for executing Syndicate prisoners, Li has now literally hooked up with an AI who has lived many lifetimes and shunted through many bodies.
Remo becomes a holy love object for an ancient Hindu goddess and a woman who is now the high priestess of a new cult in Haiti called, not uncoincidentally, 'Remo'.
Katy Logan brings her daughter Jett to the Blue Ridge Mountain town of Solom. With a new marriage and a rural lifestyle to embrace, Katy is determined to make the most of this second chance. But her husband's family is strange and secretive. And, as Katy nurses a growing obsession with Gordon's first wife, Jett senses something very wrong permeating the farm. Something wicked has been growing there, awaiting its master. And with his arrival, a bloody harvest will begin.
Sequel to PRINCESS OF ROUMANIA. Miranda - separated from her two best friends, Peter and Andromeda - begins to grow into her own personality. Her friends, who have been left behind in the forests of an alternate America, try to make their way to Roumania to find Miranda. Recommended.
Simon Malmain, the Earl of Falconer and a Guardian, teams with Meg, a fey young woman who is a victim of evil enchantments of Lord Drayton, a rogue Guardian. Drayton has a diabolical plan that will profoundly alter the course of Britain's future. Even the combined power of Simon and Meg may not be enough to stave off catastrophe. Only a desperate act of love may win back the future-or destroy all they hold dear.
A collection of science fiction and fantasy stories showing the depth and range that has not only made Resnick a popular seller, but also placed him 4th (and climbing) on the all-time award list of all science fiction writers living and dead (as compiled by Locus). Contains award winners and nominees.
A US senator hires Ghost and his Keldaran warriors to retrieve a woman kidnapped into the labyrinthian depths of the Balkans sex-slave trade. As Ghost and his Keldara warriors blast a gaping hole through the middle of the trade, it quickly becomes apparent that there is more to the mission than a "poor missing waif." There's a rot underneath, and the stench is coming from the very floor of the Capitol. Being at war with Albanian gangs is one thing. Taking on Washington is a different ball game. But Ghost never believed in fighting fair.
Canadian author. Kaylin fled Nightshade seven years ago after children who had the same odd skin markings as those on her own skin started to be murdered. Now she has become one of the vaunted hawks who patrol and police the City of Elantra and has made a name for herself among the winged Aerians and the immortal Barrani. But children are once again dying in Nightshade and she is ordered back, along with a Dragon Lord, to find the killer. Recommended.
For a thousand years the Skaa slaved in misery and lived in fear under the omnipotent Lord Ruler. Then, in the Lord Ruler's most hellish prison, the half-Skaa Kelsier snapped - and found in himself the powers of a Mistborn. He devises the ultimate caper - with the Lord Ruler himself as the mark - and recruits the underworld's elite, the smartest and most trustworthy of allomancers. But Kel's plan stills like the ultimate long shot until he meets the ragged half-Skaa orphan girl Vin. She must learn to overcome her fear of betrayal if Kel is to help her master powers of which she never dreamed.
Private eye Jackie Morrisey is forced to admit that Vincent Argeneau is the hottest guy she's ever met - living or dead. But her job is to protect him from a killer - not to fall in love with him.
Rampant technology has rendered humanity almost obsolete. And now the Macz family must confront a mysterious force that has started to dismantle the nine planets of the solar system in an effort to annihilate all biological lifeforms. 2006 Hugo nominee. Winner of the Locus Award for Best SF novel of the year.
Interstellar travel is made possible in the 27th century by teleport gates. Conflicts are fought through network worms that censor refugees' personalities. Robin, memory-less and on the run from a faceless enemy, volunteers to participate in a unique and experimental new civil order. This decision places him at the mercy of both the experimenters and his own unbalanced psyche.
Now from history's darkest hour pour the terrifying Illysp, foul spirits who possess the bodies and enslave the souls of men. As the enemy advances, Torin must undertake a dangerous voyage to reveal the secrets of an ancient lost people who once overcame these powerful marauders. But both enemies of old and the unknown have different plans for king and country, and even if Torin can return, it may already be too late. Recommended.
Mysteria is a town like any other town - except that it's a magnet for the supernatural, a place where magic has quietly coexisted with the mundane world. Now, the ladies of Mysteria unleash a tempest of seduction that will have tongues wagging for centuries to come. MaryJanice Davidson, Gena Showalter, P. C. Cast and Susan Grant each contribute.
Late night radio host/werewolf Kitty Norville (of KITTY AND THE MIDNIGHT HOUR) is invited to testify at a Senate hearings on behalf of supernaturals. This gets her face plastered over national TV. Kitty prefers to be heard, not seen, and she soon finds a new set of problems - and a new set of friends and enemies - in the DC underworld.
Sequel to THE WHITE MARE. Exiled Irish prince Eremon and the beautiful princess Rhiann have grave dangers to face. The armies of Alba and Rome are about to meet in an epic battle to decide the fate of a country.
Saramyr is consumed by war as the quest to find what lies behind the power of the Weavers nears its terrifying conclusion. Recommended.
14 year old Callie, reporter for the school paper, gets a chance to go backstage to interview Peter, the lead singer of the famous rock group Brass Rate. But there's something strange about the band. And there's the hypnotic way that Peter plays the flute. Then, on Halloween night, Callie's brother disappears - along with all the other children of Northampton. Callie thinks she knows who took them - and what she must do to get them back. Winner of the Locus Award for best Young Adult novel of the year.
Rifkind, a chieftain's daughter, learned to wield a sword while all other women were bound by tribal custom to children and the cooking fire. But when her clan was massacred, she set forth on a quest for her destiny in savage lands ruled by magic and the sword. For a while she had thought that she had found a home. She practiced the healing arts and raised her son. But now she has once again heard a personal call to arms, a call to leave behind the safety of her home. She will once again take up the way of the sword, the way of sorcery. And this time she is not alone.
Sazi Antoine Monier takes his big cats to Stuttgart, where one of his tigers is stolen and killed. To his surprise the German police have another tiger in custody - a tiger who is actually a lovely Turkish-American woman, Tahira Kuric. Like Antoine, she's a shapeshifter, but of the Hayalet Kabile, the ghost tribe of shapeshifters who are enemies to the Sazi. But something is hunting her, and the two must set aside their peoples' ancient rivalry.
Anvil's classic stories of humans dealing with alien agendas.
The stranger washed up on the beach near research scientist Samantha Bryton's home turns out to be more than human, an experiment. The two quickly find themselves on the run, pursued by the most ruthless criminal of the 21st century. In desperation they turn for help to Sunrise Alley, an underground organization of AIs and androids gone rogue. But these cybernetic outlaws have their own hidden agenda.
Phule takes off after his mysteriously errant butler, just as General Blitzkrieg decides to make a surprise visit to Zenobia. And the only thing Blitz would like better than catching Phule off guard is to catch Phule AWOL.
The South Pacific looks so pretty. Too bad there's a degenerate sea nation concealed within a massive dome under the surface. They are the half-human inhabitants of Lemuria, hench-creatures to the Lord of the Deep. The Lord of the Deep wants the shallows too - the whole world, in fact.
The Executive Facilitator General Labienus plans a double cross to plot a complete takeover of the world, a plot that he has planned since he was a young god-figure in Sumaria.
2047: nuclear engineer Michael Poole sees his dead wife on a beach in Miami. But she vanishes as suddenly as she appears, leaving no clue as to her mysterious purpose. Michael has a solution to an imminent global catastrophe, but he is beginning to doubt his sanity. Meanwhile, a woman from the distant future, as part of the plan to gain Transcendence, is given Michael's life to Witness. And then she discovers a dark side, a vein of madness in this plan. Michael Poole holds the key to not just his own future, but to her's as well.
Vlad's back in Adrilankha. The rackets he used to run are now under the control of the mysterious "Left Hand of the Jhereg" - a secretive cabal of women who report to no man. His ex-wife needs his help. His old enemies aren't sure whether they want to kill him, or talk to him and then kill him. A goddess may be playing tricks with his memory. And the Great Weapon he's carrying seems to have plans of its own.
Pelayo survives as a test subject for the latest electronic skin and philm technology, which brings past trends and famous people to vivid life on his body. His cousin Marta works at a cinematique offering cheap skincense, image grafts, and nanimatronics. That's where she meets Nadice, an indentured worker smuggling illegal ware to escape an exclusive resort specializing in kitschy environs. When both women disappear, Pelayo goes looking. Meanwhile homicide detective Kasuo van Dijk investigates a mysterious death that may involve a new kind of e-skin-mass-mediated ware.
Keirith, the eldest of Darak and Graine's children, has been apprenticed to the Tree-Father but is dismissed for riding the spirits of other living beings. Keirith flees, is captured by slavers and off to a distant civilization where he must confront the truth about his powers.
These are the twilight days, when eternal winter falls and the gods destroy themselves in civil war. Humanity's last chance lies with two friends, as different as night and day, but bound together by an awesome destiny - Hunter: a warrior, a rake, an assassin; Hal: a lowly records clerk. They must find the dreaming hero who will ride out of the mists of legend to save the world. But time is running out. This is the Dark Age.
Jack Churchill wants to get out of Celtic Britain and back to the 21st century - but a great evil waits there, doing all in its power to prevent his return.
At the dawn of the 19th century, two very different magicians emerge to change England's history. In the year 1806, with the Napoleonic Wars raging on land and sea, most people believe magic to be long dead in England - until the reclusive Mr Norrell reveals his powers, and becomes a celebrity overnight. Soon, another practicing magician comes forth: the young, handsome, and daring Jonathan Strange. He becomes Norrell's student, and they join forces in the war against France. But Strange is increasingly drawn to the wildest, most perilous forms of magic, straining his partnership with Norrell, and putting at risk everything else he holds dear. Hugo and World Fantasy Awards winner.
The NSA's eavesdropping network, Echelon, grows to become the covert power that shapes world affairs. Honed, armed, and bioengineered to the hilt, Ryan Laing, a veteran Echelon operator, is thrust into a dark conspiracy to overthrow Echelon and draw the world into new violence and chaos. With his handler, Sarah Peters, a neo-punk hacker out of Scotland, Laing embarks on a desperate race through the halls of power and across the globe - from the flooded beachfront of Venice, California, to a murderous jungle in Southeast Asia-to find out who in Echelon is playing God . . . and what greater hell will soon be unleashed.
One day Contessa was the crown princess of Costenopolie, the next, a beggar's child reared as a decoy. But her recently discovered magical powers have made her invaluable to the kingdom, especially when the new royal couple is abducted by pirates.
The Vikings, wanting to finish England, assemble an army to conquer Wessex. Uhtred, a dispossessed young nobleman married to a woman who hails from Wessex, has little love for either Vikings or Wessex, and for King Alfred he has none at all. But when the Vikings attack out of a wintry darkness to shatter the last English kingdom, Uhtred finds himself at Alfred's side.
Zarq captures the attention of an eccentric and dangerous dragonmaster and unleashes a storm of tragedy. She is forced to flee with her delirious half-breed mother. Now consumed by the desire for revenge, she becomes addicted to a venom drawn from dragons and sinks into a realm of bizarre magic. Here, influenced by the divine grace of dragon memories, she glimpses possibilities of revenge and social revolution.
[Vancouver author]. Zarq's difficulties - undergoing the rigorous training of an apprentice dragonmaster in defiance of Dragon Temple scripture - pale in comparison to her craving for the hallucinogenic dragon venom and her desire to understand the dragons themselves. The Temple also wants the secrets that Zarq possesses - and will starve and torture her to get them.
Bisson, Brockmeier, Chaon, Crowther, Goss, Daphne Gottlieb, Hirshberg, Hodge , Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Kij Johnson, LaFarge, Ligotti, Maitland, McHugh, Steve Rasnic Tem, Rosenbaum, Michael Marshall Smith, Swanwick, Traviss & Megan Whalen Turner.
The archangel Michael gave former monk Thomas the task to find the demons who now dwell in human form and expose their evil natures. He must discover if his childhood friend Harold Bollinbroke is more (or less) than he seems. And the woman he takes to wife, the enigmatic Margaret, may too be one of those who would destroy mankind.
Military sf stories, including two new HAMMERS SLAMMERS stories.
Veltan and Aracia, sisters of the goddess Zelana, have ignored the prophecy of The Dreamers and now their ignorance may result in the destruction of Dhrall.
The Vlagh prepares a last merciless attack to pit her forces against the assembled might of both the Elder and Younger Gods. But it all may be for nothing if the allies can't respond to the fact that one within their ranks is losing her mind.
What do you do with a Soldier Hero? Court-martial him! But his friends, the bio-engineered rats and bats used for cannon fodder, are only a show-trial away from taking their revenge against a terminally mad political system.
The eve of revolution, 1772, and from his time-travelling wife, Claire, Scotsman Jamie Fraser knows that three years hence will be American independence. He hopes his family may be wrong about the future.
A chance encounter led Kelva Bai-sha to a better life on Arukan. She joins Jashemi-kha-Tahmu, rebel prince of the ruling household, and embarks on a daring quest for the half-forgotten elemental parts that may save Arukan from being overwhelmed by eternal darkness.
15 stories.
The starship Ad Astra is on a millenium-long journey to Beta Hydrii. Its passengers spend their time immersed in 20th-century Earth by means of a virtual reality chamber. But when people inside the chamber start to die, engineer Jacob Brewer must confront a sentient machine obsessed with humanity.
Ven is the youngest son of a long line of famous shipwrights who is chosen to direct the Inspection of his family's latest ship - and sets sail on the journey of a lifetime. Attacked by fire pirates, lost at sea and near death, Ven is rescued by a passing ship on its way to the Island of Serendair. Thankful to be alive, little does Ven know that the pirate attack - and his subsequent rescue - may not have been an accident. Shadowy figures are hunting for the famed Floating Island, the only source of the mystical Water of Life. They think Ven can lead them to this treasure, and will stop at nothing to get it - even murder.
Legend has it that there are meteorites, extraterrestrial rocks, that contain primal matter that confers the gift of telepathy. Some want the telepathy for military purposes. For others the goal is the rocks themselves, some of which are holy objects. But none of those who contend to control the meteorites know the true powers that they're dealing with.
At the end of CHAPTERHOUSE DUNE a ship carrying the ghola of Duncan Idaho, Sheeana (a young woman who can control sandworms), and a crew of various refugees escapes into the uncharted galaxy, fleeing from the monstrous Honored Matres, dark counterparts to the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood. Duncan's no-ship is forced to elude the diabolical traps set by the ferocious, unknown Enemy. The fugitives use genetic technology from Scytale, the last Tleilaxu Master, to revive key figures from Dune's past to meet the challenges thrown at them.
BLOOD LINES and BLOOD PACT in a single volume.
The young nobleman Nermesa joins the Aquilonian army so that he might serve his liege, King Conan. But when he kills the Pictish leader, he unleashes an unholy power that will shake the very foundations of the Empire.
Tamar, of the bandit Alashi tribe, is now Lauria's blood-sister. But the powerful Greek sorceresses, the Sisterhood of Weavers, do not take treason lightly...especially when the traitor has liberated the djinni who serve them. Soon Lauria is imprisoned. The Alashi who send Tamar to sow discord among the Sisterhood, and she searches for Lauria both in reality and in the dreamlike realm known as the borderland.
Katherine's uncle, the Mad Duke Tremontaine, decides it would be amusing if Katherine learned swordplay. Blade in hand, it's up to Katherine to navigate a maze of secrets and scoundrels and to gain the self-discovery that comes to those who master: the privilege of the sword. Recommended.
A mysterious train, belching black smoke, hurtles through the American night. It follows no tracks but carries an unstoppable evil that will bring to life the worst fears of four strangers.
A collection of 13 short stories of toys coming to life, including work by Jean Rabe, Diane Duane, Kathryn Rusch, and Laura Resnick.
Tie-in to the Russian-made film. Two groups of Muscovites with supernatural, the Dark and the Light, contend. Anton, a Night Watchman for the Light, comes across a young woman, Svetlana, whom he realizes is under a curse that threatens the entire city, and a boy, Igor. Igor is unaware of the enormous power he possesses, a power that Anton hopes to come down on the side of Light. Russian bestseller.
For someone who's immortal, Never Dead Ned manages to die with alarming frequency - he just has the annoying habit of rising from the grave. But this soldier might be better dead than face his latest assignment. Ogre Company is the legion's dumping ground - a motley, undisciplined group of monsters whose leaders tend to die under somewhat questionable circumstances. That's where Ned's rather unique talents come in. As Ogre Company's newly appointed commander, Ned finds himself in charge of such fine examples of military prowess as a moonstruck Amazon, a very big (and very polite) two-headed ogre, a seductively scaly siren, a blind oracle who can hear (and smell) the future, a suicidal goblin daredevil pilot, a walking tree with a chip on its shoulder, and a suspiciously goblinesque orc. Ned has only six months to whip the Ogre Company into shape or face an even more hideous assignment, but that's not the worst of his problems. Because now that Ned has found out why he keeps returning from dead, he has to do everything he can to stay alive.
King Conrig Ironcrown is quickly losing his powers - both magical and mental - and turns to foul Beaconfolk sorcery to repel a Salka attack on High Blenholme. He has put his first wife in the past, but she still lives, knowing that her son Orion is the true heir to High Blenholme.
Acorna and Aari's rebellious daughter Khorii must overcome their overwhelming legacy to forge her own path in a universe filled with new adversaries and adventure.
When Masterharper Zist sets out to take over as harper for Natalon's coal-mining camp, the mute orphan Pellar - along with his fire-lizard Chitter - joins him. Pellar has his own mission: to find out if reported thefts of coal are the work of the Shunned, criminals condemned to a life of wandering and hardship. His mission soon expands: those who are taking the coal are also taking firestone, essential to the fight against the Thread.
Ethan Carrick is a wealthy, casino-owning vampire. He needs to elude the hitmen of his opponents. He needs suitable consort and has his eye on Brittany Baldizzi. But then it occurs to him that Brittany's protective sister Alexis is really what he needs.
Ravirn is a computer hacker/sorcerer extraordinaire in 21st-century digital magic. When one of the three Fates uses a computerized spell to erase human free will, Ravirn opposes her - and all hell breaks loose.
H. G. Wells witnesses the epic battle between Martians and Earthlings. Wells and his companions go from drafty London flats to the steamy Sahara, to the surface of the moon, and beyond to discover the truth about the Martian invasion.
Signs of intelligent life have been discovered on the sunless planet Danann. Orbital shuttle pilot Jiendra Chang and a team of specialists are sent to explore - but there are forces that will stop at nothing to prevent them from unraveling Danann's secrets.
A collection of stories. Thoughts of Lirael and Sam haunt Nick's dreams, and he has come to realize that his destiny lies there, along with all those he cares for. But here in Ancelstierre, far south of the Wall, the Charter is dormant, and among the obstacles Nick faces is one that is not entirely human, and which has a strange power that seems to come from Nicholas himself.
Frank Marrity must match wits with a branch of Israel's Mossad that specializes in the paranormal and a secret society intent on achieving immortality, and a psychic assassin who can only see out of the eyes of others. They want the time machine that needs Charlie Chaplin's footprints in a concrete slab to work. Frank wants to save his 12 year old daughter from non-existence.
The rules and regulations of the organization so thoroughly exposed in GOING POSTAL.
A team of scientists figures out a way to send a probe, very fast, to Mars to determine how and why the red planet is turning gray. However, when the probe is destroyed well short of its destination, it's apparent that Mars is being used as a staging ground. The only viable target for that staging ground is Earth.
Sequel to CAST IN THE SHADOW. Kaylin, a defender of Elantra, must now enter a place of deceit and treachery - a place which, although covered with silk and jewels, is deceptively deadly.
Cassandra is an artificial person who experiences a moral awakening and must forge new friendships with old enemies, whilst attempting to confront the most disturbing and deadly realities of her own existence.
Harman, Ada's lover and the father of her unborn child, wanders the Earth seeking nothing less than the limitless knowledge necessary to defeat Setebos, an unspeakable, otherworldly monster who feeds on horror, and whose arrival heralds the end of all things. And meanwhile, back on Mars, the vengeful rebellion of Achilles - and the intervention of sentient robots from Jovian space, determined to prevent a potentially universe-obliterating quantum catastrophe - has set immortal against immortal, igniting a civil war among Olympian gods that may send all things in Heaven and Earth and everywhere in between plummeting straight to Hell. Recommended.
As Prime of his vampire Family, Mathias Bridger is sworn to protect his own kind at any cost. When the Family comes under attack from fanatical vampire hunters, Matt uncovers treachery that shatters his world. So how can he possibly invite the human Phillipa, for whom he's developed a passion, into it? Fighting to protect his kin, he tries to push Phillipa away to the safety of her mortal life.
Indevan Algara-Vayir was born the second son of a powerful prince, destined to stay at home and defend his family's castle. But when war threatens, Inda is sent to the Royal Academy where he learns the art of war and finds that danger and intrigue don't only come from outside the kingdom.
Meet the Three Thieves, a group of Grays assigned to duty in a small Kentucky town. They have been preparing a child for generations. Innocent Conner Callaghan will face the ultimate terror as he struggles to understand who he has been bred to become, and what he must do to save humanity.
The Japanese have occupied the Hawaiian Islands. Now America is marshalling its military forces, from East Coast to West, to reclaim the islands from the enemy.
The Confederacy is reeling after the loss of their army at Pittsburgh. As the United States tries to suppress the Mormon rebellion, those Negro guerrillas who managed to escape the death camps set up by the CSA are disrupting the rural economy. And each side works feverishly, hoping to build an atomic bomb before the other.
Herein are recorded: the adventures of Janice Shriek's brother Duncan, a historian obsessed with a doomed love affair and a secret that may kill or transform him; a war between rival publishing houses that will change Ambergris forever; and the gray caps, a marginalized people armed with advanced fungal technologies who have been waiting underground for their chance to mold the future of the city.
Lucy is a minor daughter of an upper-crust English family: her parents were both leading figures in the group that overthrew Churchill and negotiated peace with Herr Hitler eight years before. Despite the fact she is married--happily--to a London Jew, she and her husband have been invited to a country retreat. But, on the retreat's first night, a major politician of the Farthing set is found gruesomely murdered, with abundant signs that the killing was ritualistic. It quickly becomes clear to Lucy that she and David were brought to the retreat in order to pin the murder on David.
Searching for a way to stop the dread Gardier from conquering Ile-Rien, Tremaine Valiarde discovered a new world filled with perils and potential allies. Now aided by her mercurial, mysterious father, Nicholas, and a brave band of heroes, she fights to recover the magical city of Lodun and the chance for hope. But the enemy is relentless, and amid turmoil and danger, only the discovery of a secret portal holds any hope of saving what is left of Ile-Rien. But the ancient portal leads to a mysterious ruin hidden behind the awesome Gate of Gods - a realm of wonder and danger beyond any they have ever imagined.
The conclusion of the Arthurian series centers on the relationship and lives of three people: King Arthur of England, Queen Guinevere and Clothar. Clothar, the young knight known as the Lancer, travels to Gaul as Arthur's ambassador and then returns when Arthur needs him the most.
Not long after Sir Hugh is initiated into the Order, he is swept up in the madness of the First Crusade. Now the Order has given him a mission: find the treasure hidden deep within the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
Jack and Jilly Doone are 12 year old twins bound by blood and forbidden secrets. They enjoy a role-playing game set in a post-apocalyptic future. When a near-drowning awakens a strange power in Jack, the line between fantasy and reality blurs. Kestrel is an airie, a mutant born after the Viral Wars. Kestrel sets out to battle human enemies who want to destroy the mutant races and the destinies of two worlds move toward a shocking convergence.
Krokodil is an arch assassin who is also possessed by a demon. Many people want her dead because she interferes with corporate plans. So much so that the powers that be feel the need to send three hit men to hunt her down - one of whom is another demon. What is a girl and demon host supposed to do to earn a living?
The android Alpha escapes from her cell, kidnaps General Thomas Wharington, and goes to one of her dead master's hidden installations. Alpha continues to carry out her dead master's orders and refuses to elaborate on what those orders entail. Her behaviour is becoming more human - or so it seems.
An unseen player is manipulating Ryan Cawdor and his band, luring them to the staging ground for a battle unlike any other. Ryan is the only man living who stands between this adversary's glory - and the prize he seeks.
Mendoza was banished long ago, to a prison lost in time where rebellious immortals are "dealt with." Now her past lovers: Alec, Nicholas, and Bell-Fairfax, are determined to rescue her, but first they must learn how to live together, because all three happen to be sharing Alec's body. What they find when they discover Mendoza is even worse than what they could have imagined, and enough for them to decide to finally fight back against the Company.
Herb, a young 23rd century entrepreneur, returns to the isolated planet on which he has illegally been trying to build a city-and finds it destroyed by a swarming nightmare of self-replicating machinery. Worse, the all-seeing Environment Agency has been watching him the entire time. His punishment? A nearly hopeless battle in the farthest reaches of the universe against enemy machines twice as fast, and twice as deadly, as his own-in the company of a disarmingly confident AI who may not be exactly what he claims.
An unemployed advertising executive, investigating the circumstances of the murder of his father in a vast shopping mall, begins to learn of a subterranean connection between consumerism and fascism.
A dark and stormy night is split by the cries of an inhuman infant - a child who would open the gates to the most dangerous force in the cosmos - the ancient god Cthulu. And only two men - two eccentric writers named Robert E. Howard and H. P. Lovecraft - can stop him.
After hearing an impossible Call, Valeria heads for the Mountain and the herd of magical stallions and their devoted riders. She is kept as an apprentice and servant by one of the master Riders, until she is kidnapped by barbarians and offered a school of her own if she helps to overthrow the Mountain.
Not so very far in the future, civilization teeters on the verge of collapse. Only pockets of civilization remain, with only a few heroes to protect them. One such hero is Logan Tom. His mission is to locate a group of Seattle street kids and guard them with his life. Because one of them carries a magic that might - just might - be powerful enough to save the world.
A young boy must attempt a mission from which he may never return; the tattered remnant of an army must face a killing machine against which it has no defense; and an entire world must brace against the arrival of a demonic entity.
Putting aside the personal chaos that has plagued her, rogue Weather Warden Joanne Baldwin must rally the remnants of the Weather Warden corps against a double threat - the Djinn who have broken free from Warden control, and a cranky Mother Earth who is about to unleash her full fury against the entire world.
Teacher Shannon Parker's latest purchase - a vase with the Celtic goddess Epona on it - somehow switches her into the world of Partholon, where she's treated like a queen. But this comes with a ritual marriage, the threat of war against the evil Fomorians, and a disgruntled following who believe that she is actually the Godess of Epona's double.
When five strangers are found tortured to death in the cellar of a seedy New York apartment, reporter Mari Kinsella makes a startling connection: the strange dreams that bound the victims in life - and in death. Dreams that Mari herself is beginning to have.
The man known as Falconer was born the bastard son of a whore, served the royal court as a predator trainer, and warred against the infidel Saracens as a conscripted soldier in the Holy Land. But it wasn't until he found himself in the arms of a creature called Pythia that he found his destiny - as a vampire.
Roger Bascombe has sent his fiance, Celeste Temple, a note stating that their engagement is terminated. Celeste is determined to find out why. Adopting a disguise she follows Roger to the forbidding Harschmort Manor. There she enters a world that is by turns seductive and shocking and discovers a conspiracy that is unbelievably terrifying.
Daniel Leary, now a commander, must somehow overcome a large entrenched force on an island defended by powerul plasma cannons and shipkilling missiles and backed up by a heavily armed warship in orbit, all the while commanding only a small and virtually unarmed spacecraft. But Leary again has the help of Signal Officers Adele Murphy, who can make computer networks do the impossible.
Marla Wolfblade of Hythria is determined to restore her family's great name, but conspirators surround her: the Sorcerers' Collective, the Patriots - even members of her own family. She must make sure her son Damin lives to be old enough to restore the Wolfblade name to its former glory. Elezaar the Dwarf, a small man with big secrets, teaches Marla the Rules of Gaining and Wielding Power, but will that be enough to keep her son alive?
While Marla Wolfblade plays the games of politics and diplomacy, the High Arrion of the Sorcerers' Collective is plotting to destroy her - and the entire Wolfblade line. Her power and fortune, though great, may not be enough to protect herself and her family from the High Arrion's wrath - and her only ally and confidant, Elezaar the Fool, is toying with the idea of betrayal.
Every night he has been with her: his face, his voice - since she was fifteen. Tonight, though, Sara Marten will finally meet the Carpathian Falcon, the dark-eyed destroyer destined to be her mate.
The sleepy town of Tuonela, Wisconsin, is known for one thing: the killer who stalked its streets one hundred years ago, drinking the blood of his victims. Now, a drained corpse, the town's vampire-obsessed underworld, and a man who lives in darkness will bring the past to terrifying light.
Fantasy writer Tess Noncoire's life takes an unexpected turn after she falls ill with a strange and potentially deadly virus. She finds herself being cared for at the the hidden retreat of the Sisterhood of Celestial blade Warriors. They saved her life and then began training her in the martial arts used against demons. With a new sidekick named Scrap, it's now up to Tess to fend off a ferocious hound who is on the loose, attacking Navaho children.
The uneasy peace between the United Systems and the Bromidian Empire is threatened by a covert war fought between the Rising Sun, a group of renegade Bromidians, and an elite Coalition military group. Captain Arano Lakehead, one of this group, pursues a revenge against the Rising Sun. However, he finds himself thwarted by Coalition bureaucracy.
The day his heart stopped beating, Kendrick Gallmon, survivor of the infamous research facility known as the Maze, is urged by a ghost to return to the source of all his nightmares, a long-abandoned military complex filled with entirely real voices of the dead.
Cray is a former hacker who works as a corporate spook chasing down the information traffickers who have turned the matters of business into a clandestine war, and war into profit. But an antitechnology cult known as the Inru has been waging its own battle - and now Cray is caught in the cross fire as his past threatens to rise from the grave he so carefully packed it in.
Sometimes things just don't turn out the way they should: fantasy stories by Stableford, Reichert, Patton, Friesner, Foster, Josepha Sherman, Sizemore, Wurts, Lisanne Norman and more.
A murdered San Francisco policeman, as he hunts down his own killer, is perplexed. Why is he in another man's body? Why is someone trying to kill him - again? And why is he being haunted by a nine tailed Albino fox? Recommended.
An inmate of Rushbrook Asylum, the obsessive Renfield's mission is to hunt and kill Van Helsing and his companions, setting the stage for a battle between the living and the dead that takes him from Dracula's castle to the darkness of his own madness, and the truth of where it all began.
Scientists discover how to reset the body's clock and return anyone to vigorous youth. Their first human "guinea pig" is a 70 year old Bill Gates-type entrepreneur whose philanthropic activities have earned him the chance to try it all again. The results are disastrous, in more ways than one.
Otori Takeo has ruled the Three Countries for 15 years but is troubled by the prophecy of a seeress that he will die only at his son's hand. Kikuta Akio, his sworn enemy and head of a ninja Tribe family, is raising his only son, an unacknowledged bastard. The last of the series, except for a planned prequel.
Completed by Spider Robinson from an outline left by Heinlein. Joel Johnston wanted to be a composer and he wanted to marry Jinny Hamilton. When Jinny reveals that she's the granddaughter of the richest man in the solar system and that Joel would carry on the family business, he turns her down and goes on a bender. He wakes up on a colony ship heading out into space, torn between regret over his rash decision and his determination to forget Jinny and make a life for himself among the stars. He was on his way to succeeding when his plans - and the plans of billions of others - were shattered by a cosmic cataclysm so devastating it would take all of humanity's strength and ingenuity just to survive.
Brian and Kevin used Frank's papers to create this companion to the DUNE series. Unpublished chapters and scenes from DUNE and DUNE MESSIAH, plus the article "They Stopped the Moving Sands" and correspondence during the years-long struggle to get DUNE published.
Nevare Burvelle is sent off to finish his schooling at the King's Cavalry Academy, where he is surprised to encounter prejudice agains sons of new nobles. The politics of the capital city threaten to destroy not only his career but his good name. Even more unsettling is his dicovery that the magic of the conquered plains folk has established an insidious hold on him, and may be using him to betray his own people. Recommended.
Nevare Burvelle has returned home for his brother's wedding and for a reunion with his own fiancee. But plague hits the Burvelle family. Nevare is led into a strange realm where danger, betrayal and the irresistable lure of Speck magic await.
BLOOD DEBT and BLOOD BANK in a single volume, with a brand new story written just for this edition.
Nish, son of the corrupt God-Emperor Jal-Nish Hlaar, is due to be released after ten years in a dungeon. The oppressed peoples of the world see him as their only hope. But Nish is powerless and without allies. And his father offers him everything he ever desired to become his lieutenant - or else another ten years in prison.
When his uncle murders his family to take over the kingdom, Prince Kattanan duRhys is the only one of royal blood left alive...at a terrible cost. Mutilated, he can no longer claim his throne nor sire heirs to reign against the tyrannic new ruler. Trained as a harmless singer, Kattanan falls into an impossible, secret love with the Princess Melisande. But her jealous fiance has his own nefarious plans, including a dark conspiracy with Kattanan's traitor...and a sinister magic that could destroy the kingdom. Banished, betrayed, rescued and revealed, Kattanan becomes the focal point of his grandmother's obsessive plot to depose his uncle. But can he gain the throne? And at what price?
When the egg that Cat Chance took from Gammer Pinhoe's attic finally hatches in the safety of Chrestomanci Castle, chaos breaks out in the surrounding village.
Wary allies come together to wreak a spell to avert evil magicks, but the cost will be high. For much is needed to remake the Silver Caul, and the songs don't speak of the price demanded. Prequel to the THROUGH THE SHADOWLANDS series.
The final instalment of the epic series that began with THE GUNSLINGER in 1981. The quest of the last gunslinger in the world, Roland Deschain, is completed. In the final stage of his search, he needs one more ally, a last key to gain entry into the tower.
When a bizarre plane crash strands reporter Lindsay Pawlowski and Navy pilot Alexander MacNeil in 14th century Scotland, they soon find themselves fighting for love, honour, and perhaps the future of the human race.
The Families. Insanely rich and richly insane. With world-spanning business interests, glamour and power, they are monarchs, Mafia and movie stars rolled into one.
Changing schools when she moves to Forks, Washington, 17 year old Bella falls for Edward, a high school senior. He's a vampire, it turns out. She's slightly reassured to learn that his clan hunts only wildlife. Teen romance has its challenges when prey falls for predator.
Strange visitors start appearing after Una, granddaughter of Oona the Dreamthief's Daughter and Count Ulrik Von Bek is left alone at the family house in Yorkshire Dales. They hope she will lead them to the White Wolf's son or the Runestaff. It's up to Una to make sure they don't get their evil clutches on the Runestaff.
[Canadian author]. In a realm beset by natural disasters, bonded Pairs - Source and Shield - make the land habitable and keep the citizenry safe. Now, like it or not, the Shield Lee Mallorough and Source Shintaro Karish have to work together to catch a crazed killer targeting aristocrats - just like Karish. Sequel to RESENTING THE HERO.
16 original tales of terror from Lucy Taylor, Brian Hodge, d.g.k. Goldberg, Michael Kelly, Gerard Houarner, Mark Samuels and ten others.
Each month has a full-colour illustration, with memorable dates not just for Discworld, but for the US, UK, Canada, New Zealand and Australia.
Roundworld's history is going all wrong. The Unseen University suspects that it might have been the devastating refutation of Sir Arthur Nightingale's book on natural selection from an obscure country vicar called Charles Darwin. Darwin's bestselling Theology of Species confirmed the divine design of living creatures. But this is all wrong, and it's up to the wizards to get history going properly.
A moon rock missing for 30 years, five buckets of blood-soaked sand found in a New Mexico canyon, a scientist with enough ambition to kill, a monk who will redeem the world, a dark agency with a deadly mission - all focus on a fire bolt from the galactic dark that now hides in Tyrannosaur Canyon.
Gallant-Stallion must bond with and guide a young girl named Kalantha, whose brother is soon to be king. But her brother has become the pawn of an evil, power-seeking bishop, and it has become necessary to remove Kalantha from his influence. Kalantha is still young and bitter over her lot in life, betrayed, envious and scared. How should Gallant-Stallion lead her?
Humorous fantasy. Rizla is saved by Count Rune from drowning but has, sadly, lost his memory. He pitches in with Rune who is engaged in following a mystic trail through Brighton. Rune seeks the Chronovision, a device that can replay scenes from the past. The two will meet with many bizarre incidents along the way.
A contemporary New York vampire sets out to improve the love lives of her comrades in eternal nightlife by starting a dating service for unattached undead.
1826: armed with powerful knowledge acquired from four remarkable mentors, Herculine leaves a strange and violent past in France for America. In Virginia Herculine will meet the mysterious Mammy Venus. Then there will be Edgar Allan Poe, and then Celia, a beautiful, damaged slave.
A collection of nonfiction essays and short fiction.
Aging baby-boomer Russell Walker is caught in a predicament. He is the only possible intermediary between a telepath so sensitive he can't stand to be near most people and a skeptical police officer. The telepath has information about a monstrous serial killer. The three must find a way to work together if they wish to stop the fiend. Vancouver setting.
The classic novels of zero-G dance in one volume: STARDANCE, STARSEED, and STARMIND.
Dante Valentine, of WORKING FOR THE DEVIL, is back - doing the devil's work, whenever he needs a troubleshooter.
Steven Taylor is bored - until he discovers a safe deposit box locked tight since 1870. Opening the box results in the transport of his best friend and himself to the mysterious world of Eldarn. There they will battle demons, homicidal wraiths and an army of soulless warriors led by the creature plotting the annihilation of Eldarn and its inhabitants.
Thorgil as a member of the Varangian Guard in Constaninople takes part in Byzantium's struggle with the Saracens before returing to the North in time for the Battles of Stamford Bridge and Hastings.
Continues the military sf adventures of the 25th century strike force.
About to be executed for murder, Yelena is offered an extraordinary reprieve. She'll eat the best meals, have rooms in the palace - and risk assassination by anyone trying to kill the Commander of ixia. And so Yelena chooses to become a food taster. But the chief of security, leaving nothing to chance, deliberately feeds her Butterfly Dust - and only by appearing for her daily antidote will she delay the agonizing death from the poison. As Yelena tries to escape her new dilemma, disasters keep mounting. Rebels plot to seize ixia and Yelena develops magical powers she can't control. Recommended.
A decade after the Change rendered technology inoperable throughout the world, two brave leaders built two thriving communities in Oregon's Willamette Valley. But now the armies of the totalitarian Protectorate are preparing to wage war over the priceless farmland.
In the 10th year after the Change in western Oregon the Lord Protector and Warlord of Portland, Norman Arminger, has extended his neo-feudal empire over much of the Pacific Northwest. Against him stand Michael Havel's Bearkillers and their allies, Clan MacKenzie. The only thing preventing open warfare is that Clan MacKenzie holds Arminger's daughter. But there is a plan to retrieve her.
Sequel to THE YEAR OF OUR WAR. The war against the insects continues. A naval expedition is launched and the Emperor's winged messenger, the drug-addicted Jant, is supposed to go with it, despite his aversion to large planetary wetspots.
War between Virginia and Ohio breaks out. Ohio sets a tailored virus loose on Virginia. Virginia swiftly imposes a quarantine, trapping cross-time travellers Becky and Justin and Randolph Brooks. All the three of them can do is watch as plague and violence take over the town.
Diplomat Danna McFayden of the League of Planets is assigned to work with Korcian Enforcer Collon Gavriel to find the cause of the explosion of a space freighter. Cullon, convinced that someone is trying to kill Korcian true bloods, follows the trail back to the capital city of the Korcian Empire.
Prince Roger MacClintock, an heir to the galaxy's Throne of Man, was stranded on Marduk along with the human Marines sent to protect him and faithful native alien warriors. In his absence a palace coup seized control of the interstellar Empire: his mother is drugged and captured, his brother is dead, and Roger is branded an outlaw and traitor. As the barbarian planet Marduk discovered, you never mess with a MacClintock!
20-something Lola Galley, one of the one percent of the population that isn't a werewolf, is already a veteran of the Department for the Ongoing Regulation of Lycanthropic Activity. When an old friend loses a hand to a transformed werewolf, and then is murdered before the attacker is brought to trial, Lola is desperate to see justice done.
The first volume of an epic fantasy trilogy. Shadowmarch Castle finds it must reengage with the world. Southmarch is being attacked from within and without. From the south, the god-king Autarch is bringing his armies to extend his empire, while to the north, Ynnir, the blind king, has gathered the Twilight People to destroy humanity. Recommended.
A mutual tragedy throws Jack and his brother from Philadelphia together. Jack and his brother Tom are opposites and go on a treasure hunt expedition in Bermuda to know each other better. Tom finds a Lilitongue of Gefreda. Jack wonders why Tom would want such an object. Things take a bizarre and dangerous turn when someone activates the Lilitongue.
Sir Able returns to the world of Mythgarthr from Skye following his fight with the dragon Grengarm. Twenty years older and with Cloud, his unicorn steed, he has special magical powers he has sworn not to use, in return for the hope of meeting his beloved Aelf queen. He battles giants, evades a sorceress who tries repeatedly to seduce him, and serves the mercurial dragon King Arnthor in a final war with the Osterlings. Recommended.
As Rome crumbles under the child-emperor, Heliogabalus, the vampire Ragoczy Germanius Sanct' Franciscus earns the enmity of a minor functionary. Worse, Franciscus has attracted the attentions of a young woman whose untapped sexuality may well destroy him.
On the wild frontiers of human space, Inquisitor Gideon Ravenor and his elite team of agents investigate the spread of a substance called "flects". If Chaos is left unchecked, mankind's future is surely doomed.
Peter Parker suits up as Spider-Man when he learns that the Rhino is on a rampage in Times Square. But the Black Cat, a former ally and old flame, intervenes. The Rhino, she says, is just a distraction - the real threat comes from a group of Ancients hoping to steal Spider-Man's life force in the process. Spider-Man will need the Black Cat's help to fight them, but what will his wife, Mary Jane Parker, have to say about that? Peter isn't sure which is worse - the Ancients trying to drain his life force, or the wrath of a jealous wife.
This novel focuses on a sorceress with the hellish magic of a blood magus at her command and a mounting ambition for territory and domination in her heart, and a ghostwalker's attempts to defend a village from her seemingly inevitable success.
After an abortive attempt to get past an Iconoclast fleet, Red is forced to seek refuge on the planet Purity where all forms of technology are outlawed. With techno-heretics on one side and sword-wielding inquisitors on the other, Red finds herself being hunted.
In disgrace following the events of Legacy, high-ranking police officer Shira Calpurnia is given one last chance to salvage her reputation. A telepath has been found murdered, but no weapon can be found. Shira must delve deep into the dark, twisted world of the telepaths if she is to solve this locked room mystery.
Young Hawaiian surfer Sean Jones's simple life is turned upside-down when he witnesses a brutal murder. An FBI agent saves Sean's life and arranges for him to be flown back to LA, but a trap has been set to ensure he doesn't make it: when the plane reaches a preset altitude, the enraged reptiles are unleashed upon the unsuspecting passengers and crew.
A young woman finds that she has a talent for magic in a land and a family unforgiving of such abilities. Her attempts to redeem herself in the eyes of her family - by aiding them on their quest to end the dark magic that has destroyed a neighboring town - have tragic results.
Memory and fantasy begin to merge and Faith finds her two worlds are about to collide with cataclysmic results as a violent battle is staged for the Slayer's soul.
Reiner and the Blackhearts investigate strange goings-on in the city of Talabheim, where the forces of magic are running wild. Can the Blackhearts solve the mystery before the city becomes lost to Chaos forever?
The Republic has become an Empire, ruled by a brilliant Emperor and his terrifying enforcer, Darth Vader. One of Darth Vader's first jobs is to wipe out all resistance to the new order, including those few Jedi that survive.
The human Imperium stands at the height of glory - thousands of worlds have been brought to heel by the conquering armies of mankind. At the peak of his powers, Warmaster Horus wields absolute control - but can even he resist the corrupting whispers of Chaos?
Barnabas Collins has recently become a human again through the efforts of his devoted descendent Dr. Julia Hoffman and is living in current day Collinsport, Maine trying to adjust to normal life. Normal life, however, turns out to be the same bizarre stew of concealed desire and guilt.
The troll known as Hood and his fellow Shadowrunners steal some biotech agriculture from the Plantech Corporation - only to find themselves framed for murder and tied to an even greater conspiracy.
Khelben Arunsun, Chosen of Mystra, Archmage of Waterdeep, is as close to a demigod as you're likely to meet on the streets of Faerun's mightiest city. But when the skies rain lightning and a long-forgotten city arises from the earth, he can seem like just another wizard.
The latest dreams being sold for the DreamBox entertainment units are teased out of the preserved brains of Freddy Krueger's past victims. This program is being tested on a group of teenagers who not only experience the dreams of Freddy's former victims, but also begin having their own dangerous nightmares. Worse, one of them kids has made a pirate copy of the program and is creating free access to it via the Internet.
Five hundred years in the future, Captain Mal Reynolds, a hardened veteran of the losing side of a civil war, leads a ragtag team of mercenaries through the universe aboard the transport ship Serenity.
Commodore Diego Reyes, commanding the Vanguard, has been given the secret mission of uncovering the true significance of the Taurus Reach. Deep within the Taurus Reach, an ancient and powerful alien mind has awakened prematurely from aeons of hibernation, alerted to the upstart civilizations now daring to encroach upon the worlds in her care. With the stakes for all sides escalating rapidly, the alien lashes out with deadly force against the interlopers.
The new Dark Chronicles trilogy takes the reader back to the era of the original Dragonlance Chronicles, and tells the stories that happened between the volumes of that trilogy.
Janik barely survived his last expedition to the dark continent of Xen'drik. But when he finds himself embroiled in a plot involving the Emerald Claw, the Church of the Silver Flame, and lost wonders of Xen'drik, his one hope at redemption is to return and face the horrors that once almost destroyed him.
Daoshen Liao prepares for the next stage of his conquest of The Republic, the one which begins with his own family.
April 1945: The war's end is close as German and Russian troops fight desperate battles through the streets of Berlin. But a new threat rises from the forbidding mountains of Transylvania, an undead army of Vampyr warriors. As the war in Europe reaches its brutal climax, the bloody fight for mankind's future begins!
Christopher Pike, the first captain of the Enterprise, is led through fire again and again during the course of his career. But even amid the ashes of Talos IV, the forbidden world on which he would live out the remainder of his days, the dreams smoldering still within his aging, radiation-ravaged breast fan the flames of Pike's spirit to accomplish one final task.
Scavenger Tom Zarek scours the outer settlements for valuable Cylon technologies and artifacts, but usually returns empty-handed. But then he and the crew of the Cruiser "Lightning" find the Omega Station, a scientific station shrouded in secrecy beyond the edge of charted space. This would be the big score - except that it is occupied by Cylons. Battlestar Galactica receives the Lightning's distress call. The crew soon discover that Omega is indeed full of Cylons, but also something much more disturbing .
The youthful adventures of the much-loved heroes, Florin, Islif, and Jhessail, as they battle to win a name for themselves and then to defend it against the machinations of a more insidious and devious evil than they ever thought to face.
In the world of Warhammer, dark elves reign supreme for their sophisticated savagery, and no member of this race is more infamous than Malus Darkblade. Possessed by a daemon, Malus has but a year to find five magical artefacts before his soul becomes forfeit.
After averting a Reman and Romulan civil war, Kirk turns his attention to raising his son Joseph and to finding out the truth behind Spock's death. When Joseph leaves, Kirk wonders if Norinda and her group, "The Totality" are behind Joseph's rage. Before Kirk can discover the answer, Admiral Janeway calls on Kirk to stop a brutal force that threatens the Federation.
There's a host of deadly new weapons in the hands of a psychotic mastermind called White Eyes. With his radical murder machine, the fiendish leader of Gotham's racist Bavarian Brotherhood can move beyond dealing drugs and hot guns to pursue his real passion: the white supremacist takeover of America. Their first strike - at the heart of our nation's capitol - is only weeks away, but first they'll test out their killer toys on Batman.
9th anthology of fan-written STAR TREK stories.
Religious artifacts from every faith are disappearing without a trace. The identity of the perpetrator is a complete mystery until Hellboy and Liz Sherman - acting on an unlikely tip from a ghost -- foil a museum heist attempted by crude, robotic constructs inhabited by human spirits. They are controlled by a fanatical order of psychics obsessed with creating a new messiah.
The oceanic races of Krynn are still suffering under the legacy of the dragon overlords and the War of Souls. The waters of the oceans are gradually being poisoned. Apoletta and her unlikely allies must not only investigate and defeat a strange new menace, but face a friend turned foe.
The daughter of a noble family has gone missing. A proud and ancient house has fallen to ruin. Even the dead are disappearing. And a disgraced exile may be the only one who can save them.
The superheroes known as the Ultimates form a tag team to combat time travellers who arrive from an alternate chaos universe to make some minor adjustments to history. These adjustments, among other things, will eliminate the Ultimates.
In a single moment three men once came together to destroy the world and then restore it - Kirk, Spock and McCoy. For McCoy, a separate destiny plays itself out in an era he once briefly touched, revealing an alternate history of his own making.
Rogue trader Lucian Gerrit has seen his family fortunes steadily decline. In a final desperate gamble to recover former glory, Gerritt strikes a deal on a forgotten Imperial world to aid its commander in a long-standing war with his rival. Gerrit may lose more than just his livelihood here.
A desperate girl, fleeing from a deadly underhive gang called the Razorheads, opens old wounds for Erik Bane. But a deadly plague is sweeping through the underhive, leaving a trail of zombies in its wake, and Bane realizes he may have to give up more than he thought.
An anthology of all-new original stories, designed to read like "lost" episodes.
Joanna Dark, fresh from her first mission - Codenamed INITIAL VECTOR - and now operating as a full-fledged secret agent for the Carrington Institute, is assigned to hunt down and destroy those responsible for the attacks on Carrington Institute offices. But her search for the faceless enemy leads her not just into another bloody battle with hypercorp dataDyne - but headlong into a global conspiracy that's been shaping the world for decades.
Sequel to SERVANT OF THE SHARDS, dealing with a human assassin and a drow mercenary.
The story of the epic rise and fall of the infamous vampire known as Konrad von Carstein, telling the tale of his battles throughout the Old World. As mighty armies are raised and swept away, the legions of the undead continue to grow.
Luke, Mara, Han, Leia, their children and allies in the next Star Wars generation, and of course, their faithful droids.
Department Q, a secret department in the British Ministry of Defense charged with investigating the supernatural, is privatized. Now known as Caballistics, Inc, they have a tough new case. Boswell is incinerated by a powerful force in 1944. That's old news until a forgotten biblical being is woken by an apocalyptic cult. Facing explosive ley-lines, Boswell's reanimated dead and a fallen angel intent on bringing about Judgment, it will be another busy day at the office for Caballistics Inc.